Introducing Python, Modern Computing in Simple Packages, Second edition, Lubanovic B., 2020.
As the title promises, this book will introduce you to one of the world’s most popular programming languages: Python. It’s aimed at beginning programmers as well as more experienced programmers who want to add Python to the languages they already know.
In most cases, it’s easier to learn a computer language than a human language. There’s less ambiguity and fewer exceptions to keep in your head. Python is one of the most consistent and clear computer languages. It balances ease of learning, ease of use, and expressive power.

Green Threads and gevent.
As you’ve seen, developers traditionally avoid slow spots in programs by running them in separate threads or processes. The Apache web server is an example of this design.
One alternative is event-based programming. An event-based program runs a central event loop, doles out any tasks, and repeats the loop. The NGINX web server follows this design, and is generally faster than Apache.
The gevent library is event-based and accomplishes a neat trick: you write normal imperative code, and it magically converts pieces to coroutines. These are like generators that can communicate with one another and keep track of where they are. gevent modifies many of Python’s standard objects such as socket to use its mechanism instead of blocking. This does not work with Python add-in code that was written in C, as some database drivers are.
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Дата публикации:
Теги: учебник по программированию :: программирование :: Lubanovic
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