Informatics, Grade 8, Textbook, Shaniyev Y., 2017.
Natural science is an exciting and very useful subject. This textbook will show you all the beauty of it and will help you become true explorers. The main aim of this book is to answer the fundamental question: “What is science and what is its importance in our life?”.

What is a spreadsheet?
Spreadsheet is an electronic table consisting of columns and rows. Using Data Tables or Spreadsheets helps us to manage big amounts of information in an easier way.
Spreadsheet features.
Cell: A single data element in a spreadsheet.
Column: A vertical set of cells.
Row: A horizontal set of cells.
Table: A collection of columns and rows.
Worksheet (Sheet): Sets of rows and columns that make one
entire spreadsheet.
Spreadsheet: The entire document containing all your worksheets.
One spreadsheet can have several sheets.
1.1 Correct ways of using a computer.
1.2 Measuring data: bits and bytes.
1.3 Encoding information.
1.4 CPU.
1.5 Network.
1.6 Bandwidth.
1.7 Cybersecurity.
Check yourself.
2.1 Spreadsheets.
2.2 Creating your first spreadsheet.
2.3 Formatting table.
2.4 Formulas.
2.5 Functions.
2.6 Charts/If statement.
2.7 Problem solving: Functions and Formulas.
Check yourself.
3.1 Intro to programming.
3.2 Your First Program.
3.3 Variables.
3.4 Input. Comments.
3.5 Tracing an algorithm.
3.6 Conditional statements (If/else).
3.7 Conditional statements (If/elif/else).
3.8 Logical operators (AND, OR, NOT).
3.9 Problem Solving: Conditional statements and Logical operators.
Check yourself.
4.1 Loops.
4.2 Problem Solving: For loop.
4.3 While loop.
4.4 Problem Solving: While loop.
4.5 Project work: Guess the number.
4.6 Project work: A quiz game.
4.7 Project work: “Rock, Scissors and Paper“ game.
Check yourself.
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Дата публикации:
Теги: учебник по информатике :: информатика :: компьютеры :: Shaniyev :: 8 класс
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- Informatics, Grade 8, Билингвальный учебник, Шаниев Е., Гесен И., Айдарбаев Н., 2017
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- Informatics, 8 класс, Билингвальный учебник, Ержанов Э.
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