Classic Motorcars, Coloring Book, 1986.
Since 1885, when Gottlieb Daimler and Karl Benz developed their first self-propelled vehicles, motorcar manufacturers have turned out thousands of makes and models A few of these, by virtue of their exceptional beauty, character, innovative design or technological superiority, have earned the accolade "classic.”
This book presents 46 of those memorable motorcars in detailed, accurate line drawings rendered by a noted Swedish firm of technical illustrators.

Classic Motorcars.
Austin 7,1911. Forerunner о the famous Austin cars of the 1920s and 30s, this 1-cylinder, 3-speed, 7-hp motorcar, along with similar small low powered, relatively inexpensive automobiles brought motoring to the middle class. It also typified the somewhat piecemeal way that most early motorcars теге constructed and bought . The manufacturer ottered a chassis at a set price; t lie buyer then had to select and pay extra lor the body at his choice The body might have been made by the car builder or by an outside coach-buildirg firm. To the body then would be attached the hood, tires, windshield, doors and other essentials, each paid for separately. The body shown here was butone of many built by Austh to fit this chassis.
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