Обучалка в Телеграм

Курс английского языка, Тодд Л., Драгунова Е., Цветкова З., Коф Е., 1947

Курс английского языка, Тодд Л., Драгунова Е., Цветкова З., Коф Е., 1947.

This book is designed for use in the first course of Pedagogical Language Institutes, Teachers’ Training Institutes and other institutions where the English language is the chief subject of study. It forms the first part of a complete course of English “Advanced English” (see “Advanced English” H, E. Kaar, L. Todd. H. Weiser, State Text-book Publishing House, 1940). The present book, “Advanced English” I, is not, however, a beginners’ book, ft is intended for first course groups which have entered the Institute with a knowledge of English obtained in the Middle Schools, at Preparatory Courses and in other ways.

Курс английского языка, Тодд Л., Драгунова Е., Цветкова З., Коф Е., 1947

The material contained in the book is divided into two parts, corresponding to the first and second terms. The first part contains 21 lessons and the second part 22 lessons. With the exception of Lesson One, each of the lessons contains a text (or part of a text) for intensive study. The material of the book should be « covered in the course of one year, provided that the group has an average of 18—20 hours a week of class-work. Of these 18—20 hours a week, 4 should be devoted to grammar, 6 to phonetics (articulation, reading of special exercises, reading of the texts and poems, memorization work, etc.) and 8 — 10 hours to work on and around the text.

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