Getting Started with Python, Fabrizio R., Benjamin B., Dusty P., 2019.
This learning path helps you get comfortable in the world of Python. It starts with a thorough and practical introduction to Python. You’ll quickly start writing programs in the first part of the learning path. With the power of linked lists, binary searches, and sorting algorithms, you’ll easily create complex data structures, such as graphs, stacks, and queues. After understanding cooperative inheritance, you’ll expertly raise, handle, and manipulate exceptions. You will effortlessly integrate the object-oriented and not-so-object-oriented aspects of Python, and create maintainable applications using higher level design patterns. Once you've covered the core topics, you’ll understand the joy of unit testing and just how easy it is to create unit tests.

A Gentle Introduction to Python.
"Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime."
- Chinese proverb
According to Wikipedia, computer programming is:
"...a process that leads from an original formulation of a computing problem to executable computer programs. Programming involves activities such as analysis, developing understanding, generating algorithms, verification of requirements of algorithms including their correctness and resources consumption, and implementation (commonly referred to as coding) of algorithms in a target programming language."
In a nutshell, coding is telling a computer to do something using a language it understands.
Computers are very powerful tools, but unfortunately, they can't think for themselves. They need to be told everything: how to perform a task, how to evaluate a condition to decide which path to follow, how to handle data that comes from a device, such as the network or a disk, and how to react when something unforeseen happens, say, something is broken or missing.
You can code in many different styles and languages. Is it hard? I would say yes and no. It's a bit like writing. Everybody can learn how to write, and you can too. But, what if you wanted to become a poet? Then writing alone is not enough. You have to acquire a whole other set of skills and this will take a longer and greater effort.
In the end, it all comes down to how far you want to go down the road. Coding is not just putting together some instructions that work. It is so much more!
Good code is short, fast, elegant, easy to read and understand, simple, easy to modify and extend, easy to scale and refactor, and easy to test. It takes time to be able to write code that has all these qualities at the same time, but the good news is that you're taking the first step towards it at this very moment by reading this book. And I have no doubt you can do it. Anyone can; in fact, we all program all the time, only we aren't aware of it.
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Дата публикации:
Теги: учебник по программированию :: программирование :: Fabrizio :: Benjamin :: Dusty :: Python
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