English Vocabulary in Use, Advanced Book with Answers, Vocabulary Reference and Practice, O’Dell F., McCarthy М., 2017.
This book has been written to help you expand your vocabulary at the advanced level. You already know thousands of English words, but to express yourself fully and in a sophisticated way at the advanced level, you will ideally need between 6,000 and 8,000 words, so increasing your vocabulary is very important for your general progress in English, as well as for any academic, professional or vocational needs you may have where English plays an important role. At the advanced level, as well as learning new words, you will need to learn more about the subtle connotations of words, aspects of register and style and how words combine into collocations, compounds and fixed phrases. In this book, there are over 3,000 new words and expressions for you to learn. You will find them on the left-hand page of each unit. Every new word or phrase is used in a sentence, or in a conversation, or is in a table, or has a picture with it, or has some explanation of what it means. On the right-hand page there are exercises and other activities to help you practise using the words and to help you to remember them. Where our research shows that learners frequently make errors, we give you advice on how to avoid the most common ones, as well as other useful language tips. The book has been written so that you can use it yourself, without a teacher. You can do the units in any order you like, but we have grouped them into themes, so you might wish to work through several units on a particular area of vocabulary before moving to a new one.

Informal expressions: how people spend their leisure.
Rob’s a real culture vulture; he goes to the theatre regularly and to every art gallery he can find. [big fan of anything cultural] I’m a bit of a couch potato; I spend hours every day just watching TV. [physically very inactive person] Lucy loves playing tennis but only as an amateur – she’d never want to be a professional. [someone who does something as a hobby, not a job] Fatima’s a bit of a dabbler; she takes up a hobby for a couple of weeks, then she gets bored and starts something different. [person who never keeps doing one activity for long] Matt does a lot of chores at the weekend – things like shopping and mowing the lawn. [boring tasks that have to be done] [grass] Laura’s a shopaholic. She buys all sorts of things she doesn’t need. [person addicted to shopping; compare alcoholic: addicted to alcohol] Joe is heavily into downhill skiing these days. [is very involved in] I went off football and I took up golf instead. [stopped liking, lost interest in] She locks herself away for hours in her room and listens to music. [isolates herself from the world] He’s totally hooked on motor racing these days. [is addicted to] What do you get up to at weekends, Mariana? [do] Do you have a hectic social life? I have a pretty full diary. [a lot of activities] Mark is a keen participant in all the community activities in his town [takes part enthusiastically].
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Теги: O’Dell :: McCarthy :: учебник по английскому языку :: английский язык :: Кембридж
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