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Cambridge English, super minds, teacher’s book 4, Williams M., Puchta H., Gerngross G., Lewis-Jones P., 2012

Cambridge English, super minds, teacher's book 4, Williams M., Puchta H., Gerngross G., Lewis-Jones P., 2012.

Super Minds is a seven-level course for primary age students, with a Starter level underpinning Super Minds 1. By building solid foundations, expanding young minds, kindling the imagination and fostering positive values, Super Minds encourages students to become smarter as they develop in the widest educational sense.

This Teacher's Book is interleaved with the Student's Book pages. Each page of teaching notes features:
• An Aims box with detailed lesson aims, new and recycled language, any necessary or optional materials and the language competences that the students will achieve.
• Concise and clear instructions together with answers for all the Student's Book and Workbook activities.
• Additional lesson stages in coloured boxes: Warm-up: ideas for beginning the lesson, recycling language from the previous lesson or presenting new language.

Cambridge English, super minds, teacher's book 4, Williams M., Puchta H., Gerngross G., Lewis-Jones P., 2012

Ending the lesson.

Aim: to review rhyming words.
• Write one word from the pairs of rhyming words in the lesson on the board.
• Students work in pairs. They write the other word from the lesson and try to think of at least one more with the same sound.
• Elicit and check as a class.

Extension activity.

Aim: to review key vocabulary from the unit.
• Students turn to SB page 4 and use the book flap to review the new words from the unit.
• They close the flap so that they cannot see the words.
• Students take turns to point to the numbered items in the picture and say what each one is. They do this in random number order. They then write the words in their notebooks.
• Students open the flap to check.


1. Map of the course
2. Introduction
3. About Super Minds
4. Super Minds 4 components
5. Tour of a unit
6. Teaching with Super Minds 4
7. Encouraging fluency
8. Encouraging writing
9. Assessment
10. Using the Super Minds songs
11. Using the Explorers stories
12. Involving parents
13. Teaching notes:
I. Well done, Ben and Lucy!
II. In the museum.
III. The world around us.
IV. Danger!
V. Two return tickets.
VI. Police!
VII. Mythical beasts.
VIII. Orchestra practice.
IX. In the planetarium.
X. At the campsite.

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