Wider World Starter, Teacher's Book, Zervas S., Vassilatou T., Bright C., 2018.
Wider World is the portal to a fascinating world of English language knowledge and skills for the 21st century learner. The combination of authentic and engaging videos from the BBC with Pearson’s ELT expertise gives teenage learners everything they need to achieve their goals in the wider world.

These are funny, animated clips about the adventures of Hammy, a cute hamster, and his friends Max and Anna. The video presents the key grammar structures taught in each Grammar lesson. There are two parts - a short scene from Hammy’s life and a Look and Learn! Section presenting the key grammar structures.
The animations provide a great opportunity for the teacher to explain new grammar structures in a fun, meaningful way that will capture and keep the student’s attention.
The videos can be used multiple times, both as an effective presentation tool and a quick revision of grammar structures.
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Теги: учебник по английскому языку :: английский язык :: Zervas :: Vassilatou :: Bright
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