English Collocations in Use, Advanced, Second Edition, O'dell F., McCarthy M., 2017.
Collocations are word combinations that frequently appear together. This book will help you master collocations, which will make your English sound more natural and fluent.

What is register?
Our use of language changes according to the situation that we are in. If your close friend hosts a party, you could say, ‘Thanks for the party. It was a blast.’ (very informal) However, if your boss was the host, you would probably say, ‘Thanks for the party. I really enjoyed it.’ (neutral) In this example, neutral and very informal are both examples of register. The register of most language is neutral (it can be used in any situation). However, register can also be formal, informal, characteristic of a certain professional field (e.g. legal, journalistic or media) or specific to official notices and forms.
Our choice of register depends on what we are talking about (business, the news, the neighbours), who we are talking to (friends, strangers, figures of authority) and how we are talking to them (in a letter, in an email, in public, in private). Study the table below and notice how different words and phrases are used to describe the same situation.
Using this book.
Learning about collocations.
1 What is a collocation?.
2 Strong, fixed and weak collocations.
3 Grammatical categories of collocation.
4 Finding and working on collocations in texts.
5 Register.
Varieties of collocations.
6 Metaphor.
7 Intensifying and softening adverbs.
8 Make and verbs that mean make.
9 Communicating.
10 Collocations with phrasal verbs.
Topics: work and study.
11 Working life.
12 New employment.
13 Thoughts and ideas.
14 Business reports.
15 Marketing.
16 Customer services.
17 Student life.
18 Writing essays, assignments and reports.
Topics: leisure and lifestyle.
19 Social life.
20 Talking.
21 In the news.
22 Current affairs.
23 Festivals and celebrations.
24 Cosmetics and fashion.
25 Commuting.
26 Travel and adventure.
27 sport.
28 Plans and decisions.
29 Film and book reviews.
Topics: the modern world.
30 Regulations and authority.
31 The environment.
32 Town and country life.
33 Personal finance.
34 The economy.
35 Social issues.
36 Science and technology.
37 Health and medicine.
38 Criminal justice.
39 War and peace.
Topics: people.
40 Friendship.
41 Youth and age.
42 Celebrities and heroes.
43 Negative opinions about people.
44 References.
45 Personality and behaviour.
Basic concepts.
46 Space and time.
47 Sound.
48 Making things easier.
49 Difficulty.
50 Quantity and size.
51 Change.
52 Stopping and starting.
53 Cause and effect.
54 Describing groups and amounts.
55 Comparing and contrasting.
56 Making an effort.
57 Social English.
58 Discussing issues.
59 Negative situations and feelings.
60 Positive situations and feelings.
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Теги: учебник по английскому языку :: английский язык :: O'dell :: McCarthy
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