Обучалка в Телеграм

Power Up 1, Teacher s book, Dimond-Boyir S., 2018

Power Up 1, Teacher's book, Dimond-Boyir S., 2018.

    Power Up is one of the first generation of courses to integrate the Cambridge Framework for Life Competencies. This is an ongoing research initiative into how thinking and learning skills are developed over different life stages. Each unit of Power Up is mapped to a component within the Cambridge Framework for Life Competencies to ensure a wide range of skills are covered. This also provides opportunities for formative assessment and a broad view of each learner’s development.

Power Up 1, Teacher's book, Dimond-Boyir S., 2018

The first day.
Focus on the pictures. Look at each picture and ask questions, e.g. Who is this? (Max, Lucy) Where is Lucy? (At the door) Where is the pen? (On the table)

Say Read and listen to the first part. Play the audio. Learners listen and read. Pause the audio at the end of the dialogue on page 14. Ask Where's Max’s bag? (In the cupboard) Ask What does Max take to school? Learners suggest ideas. If you have objects or flashcards for what they suggest, put these out on the desk or board. Say Let’s read and listen.

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