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Английский язык, 5 класс, New Millennium English, Деревянко Н.Н., Карпова Л.Г., 2010

Английский язык, 5 класс, New Millennium English, Деревянко Н.Н., Карпова Л.Г., 2010.

Фрагмент из книги.
I'm crazy about dogs. I've got more than 300 dogs in my dog collection. I've got a real pet dog called Rover, a lot of toy dogs, a dog clock, dog cards and posters, exercise books with dogs on the covers, a dog T-shirt. I can draw dogs and I read lots of books about dogs. Dogs are clever and funny.

Английский язык, 5 класс, New Millennium English, Деревянко Н.Н., Карпова Л.Г., 2010

Who does what.
Read about Asya and complete the table.
I've got a dog. Her name is Asya, she is big. I get up at 7 o'clock. Asya gets up at 9 o'clock and has breakfast.

I don't take her for a walk in the morning. My brother does it.

I come home at 1 o'clock. My dog meets me at the door, she barks and gives me a paw. I hug and stroke her.

I have lunch at 1:30, and Asya sits and looks at me. she usually eats special dog food, Mum cooks it for her.

In the evening I take her for a longer walk. And my brother helps me. Then she sits on the sofa and watches TV.

We live in a flat and Asya needs lots of exercise, so at weekends Dad takes us all to the park. Dad throws a ball and Asya brings it back.

Unit 1 It's me.
Unit 2 School and daily routines.
Unit 3 My family.
Unit 4 Yummy, yummy.
Unit 5 Animal life.
Unit 6 Many years ago.
Unit 7 Let's go to the theatre.
Unit 8 Town and village.
Unit 9 Summer plans.
Unit 10 My planet.
Information gap exercises.
Grammar support.
Write your name.

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