Обучалка в Телеграм

Английский язык, 8 класс, Вербицкая М.В., 2016

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Английский язык, 8 класс, Вербицкая М.В., 2016.

Фрагмент из книги.
I really hated spinach when I was little. We visited my grandparents every Sunday and Gran used to cook a delicious Sunday dinner — carrots, roast beef, potatoes and, of course, spinach, lying at the side of the plate! I thought the taste was like boiled leaves! Gran used to say, ‘There’s no pudding for you until you eat all your vegetables.’ It was horrible! One Sunday I had a clever idea to hide the spinach under my plate. But my sister started laughing and, of course, everybody saw me. It’s funny, because I didn’t use to like spinach, but I love it now!

Английский язык, 8 класс, Вербицкая М.В., 2016

Russia and the Russians.
Russia is one of the world’s largest countries. Living in Russia makes one a Russian citizen, but not all Russian citizens are ethnic Russians. There are about 180 different ethnic groups living in Russia.

In the 2010 census 80.9 percent of the population that disclosed their ethnicity (111,016,806 people) are ethnically Russian. The next largest groups axe Tatars (3.8 percent), Ukrainians (1.4 percent), Bashkirs (1.15 percent), Chuvash (1.05 percent), Chechens (1.04 percent), Armenians (0.86 percent) and Belarussians (0.88 percent).

In the Russian language, there are two different words, one for all Russian citizens, whatever their ethnicity is - ‘rossiyane’ and the other for ethnic Russians - ‘russkiye’. However, the word ‘rossiyane’ has no equivalent in English and all Russian citizens, regardless of ethnicity, are called ‘Russians’ in English speaking countries.

Unit 1 Who am I?.
Unit 2 Globetrotter!.
Unit 3 Growing up.
Consolidationt 1 | Units 1-3.
Unit 4 Inspiration.
Unit S No place like home.
Consolidation 2 | Units 4-5.
Unit 6 Eat up!.
Unit 7 Look to the future.
Unit 8 The world of work.
Consolidation 3 | Units 6-8.
Unit 9 Love and trust.
Unit 10 The media.
Consolidation 4 | Units 9-10.
Dialogue of Cultures 1.
Dialogue of Cultures 2.
Dialogue of Cultures 3.
Dialogue of Cultures 4.
ГИА (ОГЭ). Раздел 1. Задания по аудированию.
ГИА (ОГЭ). Раздел 2. Задания по чтению.
ГИА (ОГЭ). Раздел 3. Задания по грамматике и лексике.
ГИА (ОГЭ). Раздел 4. Задание по письму.
ГИА (ОГЭ). Раздел 5. Задания по говорению.
Student activities.
English-Russian vocabulary.
Geographical names.
Irregular verbs.
Pronunciation table.

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