Grammar Practice for Intermedia Students, With key, Walker E., Elsworth S., 2000.
Фрагмент из книги:
In your notebook, write the story, putting the verbs in brackets into the present perfect or past simple. If two answers are possible, write the more likely one.
Ann Jones is one of the most interesting people I (meet): she is only twenty-five, but she -(travel) to over fifty different countries. Five years ago, she (be) a typist in Birmingham, but she (decide) to give up her job and see the world. Since then, her life (change) completely.

Past continuous as narrative.
The past continuous is often used in a past simple narrative to describe the background history or environment:
It was a typical summer afternoon: the sun was beating down, the cars were creeping slowly round the corner of the park. Five or six children were playing in the stream by the fountain, jumping in and out of the water, their laughter mixing with the noise of the traffic. All the world was wearing shorts and T-shirts, or bathing costumes: yet Walter Harrison, sitting on a park bench in his overcoat, was feeling cold and lonely. ‘Where will it all end?’ he thought, as he watched the children splashing and laughing. After a few minutes, he got up and walked through the park gates. His adventure was about to begin ...
To the student.
The present tense.
The past tense.
The future tense.
Simple, continuous, and perfect aspects.
Verb formations.
The passive.
Word order.
Questions and answers.
Relative clauses.
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Теги: учебник по английскому языку :: английский язык :: Walker :: Elsworth
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