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History of England, Арсентьева Е.Ф., Варламова Е.В., Планкина Р.М., Тарасова Ф.Х., 2020

History of England, Арсентьева Е.Ф., Варламова Е.В.,Планкина  Р.М., Тарасова Ф.Х., 2020.

   Данное учебно-методическое пособие составлено в соответствии с программой дисциплины «История Англии» для бакалавров 2 курса направления подготовки 45.03.01 «Филология», профиль «Зарубежная филология: Английский язык и литература, переводоведение».
Цель данного пособия - оказать методическую помощь студентам в приобретении знаний по основам страноведения и истории Англии. Учебно-методические материалы включают в себя лекционные материалы, вопросы для самоконтроля и тестовые задания, а также список источников и литературы.

History of England, Арсентьева Е.Ф., Варламова Е.В., Планкина  Р.М., Тарасова Ф.Х., 2020

Anglo-Saxon rulers.
Writing in the 8th century, the monk Bede dated the arrival of the Saxon invaders in England to 449. The British king Vortigern is said to have invited their leaders Hengist and Horsa to bring a troop to protect his kingdom against other barbarians from the North of the island, the Scotts. But the Anglo-Saxons chose not to help, as the island was a tempting target they needed themselves. The Anglo-Saxons made rapid territorial gains in the century after their arrival in England. There was a pause in around 500 CE when the Britons won a great victory, led by a war leader whom later tradition identified with King Arthur. By 550, however, the Anglo-Saxon advance had resumed.

With the beginning of Anglo-Saxon settlement, the culture and language of the Britons fragmented and much of their territory was taken over by the Anglo-Saxons. During this period some Britons migrated to mainland Europe and established significant settlements in Brittany (now part of France) as well as Britonia in modern Galicia, Spain. By the 11th century, remaining Brittonic Celtic-speaking populations had split into distinct groups: the Welsh in Wales, the Cornish in Cornwall, the Bretons in Brittany, and the people in southern Scotland and northern England. Common Brittonic developed into the distinct Brittonic languages: Welsh, Cumbric, Cornish and Breton.

Lecture 1. Britons and invaders up to 1066.
Lecture 2. Medieval England (1066–1485).
Lecture 3. Tudors and Stuarts (1485–1603).
Lecture 4. Rise of power (1688–1815).

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