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XML - XSLT - Java and JSP - A Case Study in Developing a Web Application - Welly Rockwell

Название: XML - XSLT - Java and JSP -  A Case Study in Developing a Web Application.

Автор: Welly Rockwell.


    As a Web Developer, you know the challenge of building robust applications on multiple platforms. Creating truly portable applications becomes possible by using Java for code and XML for organizing and managing data. "XML, XSLT, Java, and JSP:A Case Study" will help you maximize the capabilities of XML, XSLT, Java, and JSP in your Web applications.
The author, Westy Rockwell, uses the hands-on approach of a case study to show you how to use these technologies in realistically complex situations. All the tools used in the case study are free, so you can obtain them and join the author in a real open source web chat application, available online. This book provides you with the information you need to fully utilize XML, XSLT, Java, and JSP in your web applications, and presents it in a practical and unique way through the case study.

XML - XSLT - Java and JSP -  A Case Study in Developing a Web Application - Welly Rockwell.

Table of Contents
1. Introduction and Requirements.  1
1.1 The Goal of This Book. 1
1.2 Why Use This Book? 2
1.3  How to Use This Book. 4
1.4  Some Choices Facing Web Application Developers. 6
1.5  Development Choices Made for This Book. 8
1.6 A Note About Platform Independence. 14
2.  An Environment for Java Software Development. 15
2.1 Java 2 Platform, Standard Edition. 15
2.2 Compiling Java Programs. 19
2.3 Running Java Programs. 30
2.4 Debugging Java Programs. 32
2.5 Other Features of ElixirIDE. 33
3. Java Servlets and JavaServer Pages: Jakarta Tomcat. 35
3.1 Apache Software Foundation. 35
3.2 Jakarta Tomcat. 36
3.3 Installing Tomcat. 37
3.4 Running Tomcat. 39
3.5 Tomcat Examples of Servlets and JSPs. 49
3.6 Adding Your Tomcat Web Application. 49
3.7 Java Servlets and JSPs. 53
3.8 The ServletConfig and ServletContext Classes. 57
3.9 Web Application Scopes. 58
4   XML and XSLT: Xerces and Xalan. 61
4.1 Apache XML Project. 61
4.2 Installing Xerces. 62
4.3 Xerces Parses XML. 64
4.4 SAX Sees XML as Events. 67
4.5 Installing Xalan. 67
4.6 Xalan Transforms XML Using XSLT. 70
4.7 Using Beanshell with Xalan. 72
4.8 Using Xalan from the Command Line. 73
4.9 Zvon XSL Tutorial. 73
4.10 Xerces and Xalan versus XT and XP. 73
4.11 SP and XML Synergy. 74
5 bonForum Chat Application: Use and Design. 77
5.1 Installing and Running bonForum. 77
5.2 Changing the bonForum Web Application. 83
5.3 Using XML to Design Web Applications. 86
5.4 XML Data Flows in Web Applications. 98
6   bonForum Chat Application: Implementation. 103
6.1 Building the bonForum Web Chat. 103
6.2 Displaying and Selecting Chat Subjects. 138
6.3 Displaying Chat Messages. 140
6.4 Finding the Chat Element. 146
6.5 Displaying and Selecting Chats. 148
6.6 Displaying Guests in Chat. 150
6.7 Outputting the bonForum Data as XML. 150
6.8 Future of bonForum Project. 151
7 JavaServer Pages: The Browseable User Interface. 155
7.1 JSP-Based Web Applications. 155
7.2 Viewing bonForum from Its JSP    Documents. 163
7.3 Further Discussion About the JSP in bonForum. 187
8 Java Servlet and Java Bean: BonForumEngine and BonForumStore. 189
8.1 The BonForumEngine Servlet. 189
8.2 The BonForumStore Class. 262
9 Java Applet Plugged In: BonForumRobot. 285
9.1 Hands-on with Java Applets. 285
9.2 XSLTProcessor Applet. 290
9.3 BonForumRobot. 290
10  JSP Taglib:The bonForum Custom Tags. 303
10.1 Java Servlets, JSP, and Tag Libraries. 303
10.2 The bonForum Tag Library. 316
10.3 The OutputDebugInfoTag Class. 324
10.4 The OutputPathNamesTag Class. 331
10.5 The OutputChatMessagesTag Class. 340
10.6 XSLT and the TransformTag Class. 352
10.7 Displaying the Available Chats. 371
10.8 Displaying the Available bonForums. 376
10.9 Displaying the Guests in a Chat. 379
11 XML Data Storage Class: ForestHashtable. 385
11.1 Overview of bonForum Data Storage. 385
11.2 The NodeKey Class. 387
11.3 The BonNode Class. 388
11.4 ForestHashtable Maps Data Trees. 390
11.5 Caching Keys for Fast Node Access. 398
11.6 Adding ForestHashtable Nodes. 404
11.7 Deleting ForestHashtable Nodes. 411
11.8 Editing ForestHashtable Nodes. 414
11.9 Getting ForestHashtable as XML. 416
11.10 More Public ForestHashtable Methods. 424
11.11 Initializing the bonForumXML Database. 427
11.12 Runtime bonForumXML Database. 429
11.13 More ForestHashtable Considerations. 432
12   Online Information Sources. 437
12.1 Always Useful Sites. 437
12.2 Apache Software Foundation. 438
12.3 Big Corporations. 438
12.4 CSS. 439
12.5 DOM Information. 439
12.6 HTML. 439
12.7 HTTP. 439
12.8 Java. 440
12.9 JavaServer Pages. 441
12.10 Java Servlets. 443
12.11  Linux. 445
12.12  Open Source. 445
12.13  RDF. 446
12.14  Web Applications. 446
12.15  Web Browsers. 446
12.16  Web Servers. 446
12.17  XML. 447
12.18  XSL.

A Note About Platform Independence.
If you want to base your Web applications on the Java language, you probably know that one of its main advantages is platform independence. You should appreciate, then, that with the exception of the browser, the tools and software modules that we have selected are not bound to one particular operating system. Apache Server, Tomcat, Sun's Java Development Kit, Xalan, and Xerces can all be installed on both Windows NT and UNIX.

We hope that the next edition of this book will more explicitly cover the use of our chosen Web application tools on Linux-powered servers. In the meantime, as you are learning Web application development on an NT Server, you can rest assured that your newly acquired skills can be easily transplanted to UNIX-type operating systems.

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