Speakout Second Edition, Advanced Plus, Teachers Book, Keegan E., Storton R., 2018.
Welcome to Speakout second Edition Advanced Plus. Together with Speakout second Edition Intermediate Plus, it makes SpeakoutSecond Edition a comprehensive 8-level series.
The process of learning a language is not linear. Learners inevitably go through periods when their language develops rapidly and other periods when they feel stuck Two stages at which learners often experience a plateau are at Intermediate and Advanced. The new Plus levels offer learners an opportunity to both consolidate their previous knowledge and to learn new grammar and vocabulary.

In recent years, attitudes towards pronunciation in many English language classrooms have moved towards a focus on Intelligibility. If students' spoken language is understandable, then the pronunciation is good enough. We are aware, however, that many learners and teachers place great importance on developing pronunciation that is more than 'good enough', and that systematic attention to pronunciation in a lesson, however brief, can have a significant Impact on developing learners' speech.
In Speatout Second Edition, we have taken a practical, Integrated approach to developing students' pronunciation, highlighting features that often cause problems in conjunction with a given area of grammar, particular vocabulary items and functional language. Where relevant to the level, a grammatical or functional language focus is followed by a focus on a feature of pronunciation, for example, the weak forms of auxiliary verbs or connected speech in certain functional exponents. Students are given the opportunity to listen to models of the pronunciation, notice the key feature and then practise it.
Students' Book contents.
Welcome to Speakout Second Edition.
Overview of the components.
A unit of the Students' Book.
Additional components.
Speakout Extra.
Teaching approaches.
The Global Scale of English.
Teacher's notes.
Index and Lead-in.
Units 1-8.
Resource bank.
Photocopiable activities index.
Photocopia ble activities.
Teacher's notes for photocopiable activities.
Extra resources.
Gass audio scripts.
Gass video scripts.
Gass videos.
Video worksheets.
Unit tests.
Achievement tests.
Mid-course test.
End of course test.
Test audio.
Test audio scripts.
Test answer key.
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Теги: учебник по английскому языку :: английский язык :: Keegan :: Storton
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- Функциональная стилистика английского языка, Разинкина Н.М., 1989
- Speakout Second Edition, Advanced, Teachers Book, Williams D., 2016
- Solutions Third Edition, Upper-Intermediate, Essentials Teachers Book, Halliwell H., Falla T., Davies P., 2018
- Solutions Third Edition, Advanced, Teachers Guide, Stannett K., Falla T., Davies P., Hudson J., 2018
- Roadmap, A1, Teachers Book, Fuscoe K., Annabell C., 2021
- Roadmap, A2, Teachers Book, Williams D., 2020