Roadmap, A1, Teachers Book, Fuscoe K., Annabell C., 2021.
Roadmap is a new eight-level general English course for adults which recognises that every class is di erent and every learner is unique. Built on Global Scale of English learning objectives, the course is designed to give learners the speci c language training they need to progress. Engaging, relevant content and extensive support materials make lessons enjoyable for both learners and teachers.

The goal of this lesson is for Ss to practise introducing themselves. To help them achieve this, they will learn the verb be with I and you and the names of countries in the context of meeting new people.
Introduce yourself to the class. Say Hello, I’m (name). Write the phrase on the board and drill. Invite Ss to come to the front and rub out your name, replacing it with their own. Read aloud for Ss to repeat. Ask Ss around the class What’s your name? and elicit a response with I’m … . Ask Ss to work in pairs, taking turns to introduce themselves to their partners. Monitor and help where necessary.
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Теги: учебник по английскому языку :: английский язык :: Fuscoe :: Annabell
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- Speakout Second Edition, Advanced, Teachers Book, Williams D., 2016
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- Solutions Third Edition, Upper-Intermediate, Essentials Teachers Book, Halliwell H., Falla T., Davies P., 2018
- Solutions Third Edition, Advanced, Teachers Guide, Stannett K., Falla T., Davies P., Hudson J., 2018
- Roadmap, A2, Teachers Book, Williams D., 2020
- Roadmap, A2+, Teachers Book, Crawford H., Williams D., 2019
- Roadmap, B1, Teachers Book, Fuscoe K., Cameron Gra K., 2019
- Roadmap, C1, Teachers Book, 2021