Roadmap, B2, Students Book, Bygrave J., 2020.
Фрагмент из книги.
My problem is this. My partner is from another country and his mother has come to stay with us for six months. Some of the things she does are very rude in my culture. For example, she raises her voice in public and can be very direct with people. She also licks her fingers when she’s eating. All of these things are a complete no-no in my culture. My partner and I have tried to tell her that some of the things she does are not polite, but she doesn’t take any notice. What should we do?

Want to be charismatic? You can learn how, according to Richard Reid. While he does not claim he is able to transform a wet lettuce into Barack Obama, the psychologist and coach does believe he can ramp up charisma in everyone.
When I visit Mr Reid at his office in a grand Georgian townhouse in Mayfair, he is wearing a sensible blue jumper and casual-smart trousers and appears confident and engaging, rather than superhuman. Is he charismatic?' I can connect with people, 'he says.' Confident in my own skin, I don't need to put people down and I can manage my emotions.'
1А Talking to strangers.
1B Life lessons.
1C Personalities.
1D English in action.
2A What's the truth?.
2B Running wild?.
2C It's so annoying!.
ЗА I remember.
ЗВ Great rivals.
3C Life's too short.
3D English in action.
4A Possessions.
4B Job skills.
4C Unwritten rules.
5А Splashing out.
5B Crime scene.
5C Bubble trouble.
5D English in action.
6А Love it or loathe it?.
6B We can work it out.
6C Tricky conversations.
7A Possible futures.
7B Business plans.
7C Cultural awareness.
7D English in action.
8A It's so predictable.
8B On the run.
8C Great art?.
9A Mysteries.
98 Strange theories.
9C Celebrity.
9D English in action.
UNIT 10.
10А Will I be happy?.
10B Believe it or not!.
10C New solutions.
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