English for Telephoning, Smith D.G., 2007.
English for Telephoning is part of the EXPRESS SERIES. It is the ideal quick course for anyone who needs to make effective telephone calls in a business context. It can be used to supplement a regular coursebook, on its own, as a stand-alone intensive specialist course, or for self-study.
English for Telephoning is suitable for learners at pre-intermediate to intermediate levels.

Successful telephoning.
Phone calls can often be challenging in your own language, but when you’re speaking a foreign language they are even more difficult. There’s no body language to help you, the audio quality is not always perfect, and there is more time pressure than in a face-to-face conversation. Below are some tips to make telephoning in English less stressful.
If you have to make a difficult phone call, spend a few minutes preparing first. Think about what you want from the phone call. What might the other person say? Make notes of English phrases you can use during the call.
1 ‘Shall I put you through?’.
2 ‘Could you spell that for me?’.
3 ‘Let me get back to you on that’.
4 ‘When would suit you?’.
5 ‘I’m very sorry about that’.
6 'How does that sound?’.
Test yourself!.
Partner Ales Partner A.
Partner Files Partner В.
Answer key.
Useful phrases and vocabulary.
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Теги: учебник по английскому языку :: английский язык :: Smith
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