Обучалка в Телеграм

First Certificate Language Practice, Vince M., 2009

First Certificate Language Practice, Vince M., 2009.
    This book is designed to revise and consolidate grammar points at the level of Cambridge ESOL First Certificate or Common European Framework Level B2. It also provides practice in key lexical areas. There are regular consolidation units which include forms of testing commonly used in the First Certificate examination.
It can be used as a self-study reference grammar and practice book, or as supplementary material in classes preparing for examinations.
If used for classwork, activities can be done individually or cooperatively in pairs or small groups. The grammatical information provided can be used for reference when needed, or worked through systematically.
The grammar section includes recognition and concept-checking activities, as well as production activities.
Each vocabulary section includes focus on phrasal verbs, prepositions and particles, and collocations.

First Certificate Language Practice, Vince M., 2009

Feelings and opinions.
Underline the most suitable word or phrase.
1 When Dick saw his neighbour kick his dog he became angry / nervous.
2 Sue wasn’t really interested / interesting in the film.
3 We were both afraid / scared that we would miss the plane.
4 I wish you wouldn’t snap your fingers. It’s very annoying / worrying.
5 You’re not scared / thrilled of spiders, are you?
6 If we forget to do our homework, our teacher gets cross / terrifying.
7 Tim completely lost his temper! He was absolutely furious / upset.
8 Your written work is full of careless / naughty mistakes.

Grammar 1 Past time.
Grammar 2 Present perfect.
Grammar 3 Future time.
Grammar 4 Present time.
Consolidation 1 Units 1-4.
Grammar 5 Indirect speech.
Grammar 6 Conditionals.
Grammar 7 Wishes and related forms.
Grammar 8 Passives.
Consolidation 2 Units 5-8.
Grammar 9 Relative clauses.
Grammar 10 Prepositions.
Grammar 11 Purpose, result and contrast.
Grammar 12 Time expressions.
Consolidation 3 Units 9-12.
Grammar 13 Modal verbs: present and future.
Grammar 14 Modal verbs: past.
Grammar 15 Functions 1.
Grammar 16 Functions 2.
Consolidation 4 Units 13-16.
Grammar 17 Countable and uncountable nouns.
Grammar 18 Articles.
Grammar 19 All, no, none, each, every, either, neither.
Grammar 20 Making comparisons.
Consolidation 5 Units 17-20.
Grammar 21 Phrasal verbs 1.
Grammar 22 Phrasal verbs 2.
Grammar 23 Verbs followed by -ing or infinitive.
Grammar 24 Verb I Adjective + preposition.
Consolidation 6 Units 21-24.
Grammar 25 Inversion and question tags.
Grammar 26 Linking words and text organizers.
Grammar 27 Pronouns.
Grammar 28 Spelling and pronunciation.
Consolidation 7 Units 25-28.
Vocabulary 1 Travel and holidays.
Vocabulary 2 Work and employment.
Vocabulary 3 Sport and leisure.
Vocabulary 4 Clothes and appearance.
Vocabulary 5 Towns and buildings.
Vocabulary 6 Vehicles and transport.
Vocabulary 7 Food, restaurants and cooking.
Vocabulary 8 Shops and shopping.
Vocabulary 9 Crime and the law.
Vocabulary 10 Entertainment and the arts.
Vocabulary 11 The natural world.
Vocabulary 12 People and behaviour.
Vocabulary 13 Technology and machines.
Vocabulary 14 Problems.
Vocabulary 15 Health and the body.
Vocabulary 16 Money.
Vocabulary 17 Feelings and opinions.
Vocabulary 18 Education and learning.
Vocabulary 19 Word skills 1.
Vocabulary 20 Word skills 2.
Vocabulary 21 Collocation 3.
Formation rules.
Grammar Index.
Grammar answers.
Vocabulary answers.

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