Обучалка в Телеграм

Английский язык, 11 класс, Книга для учителя, New Millennium English, Гроза О.Л., Дворецкая О.Б., Казырбаева Н.Ю., Клименко В.В., 2007

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Английский язык, 11 класс, Книга для учителя, New Millennium English, Гроза О.Л., Дворецкая О.Б., Казырбаева Н.Ю., Клименко В.В., 2007.
   Книга для учителя к УМК "Английский язык нового тысячелетия" для 11-го класса содержит описание основных методических принципов, подробные поурочные планы, ключи к заданиям, транскрипты фонограмм, языковые и культуроведческие комментарии, образцы тестов, а также фотокопируемые раздаточные материалы. Книга знакомит с современной западной методической терминологией и вместе с тем опирается на традиционные ценности отечественной педагогики. такие, как развитие критического мышления, осознание социальной и гражданской ответственности, развитие общеучебных навыков, включая навыки взаимо- и самоконтроля.

Английский язык, 11 класс, Книга для учителя, New Millennium English, Гроза О.Л., Дворецкая О.Б., Казырбаева Н.Ю., Клименко В.В., 2007

Why English?
A. Draw Ss' attention to the box For Your Info. Say that they will come across such boxes several times.

Tapescript (Ex. 2A).
1 I think the English language is extremely beneficial; it has expanded my knowledge greatly and has certainly broadened my mind As a person. I am more well rounded, and I truly think everybody should learn another language.

2 I've used the English language for travel, and I am now looking for a job abroad. It's a window to the world, and it has really helped me be a better writer in my own language. I have gained a greater appreciation for other cultures and my OWN.

3 The main trouble with English is that it’s full of nasty surprises. There are more exceptions than rules and just when you think you know a word you find out that it has another meaning. But it's good exercise for your brain and I enjoy learning it.

Unit 1 What’s in a language?.
Lessons 1-2 Are you a good language learner?.
Lessons 3-4 Why English?.
Lessons 5-6 Death sentence?.
Lesson 7 Check your grammar & vocabulary.
Lesson 8 Express yourself.
Unit 2 People and places.
Lessons 1-2 London.
Lessons 3-4 Russia’s little empty Oxford.
Lessons 5-6 Projects.
Lesson 7 Check your grammar & vocabulary.
Lesson 8 Express yourself.
Unit 3 A job for life?.
Lessons 1-2 Why don’t you get a job?.
Lessons 3-4 A letter of application and а СV.
Lessons 5-6 A job interview.
Lesson 7 Check your grammar & vocabulary.
Lesson 8 Express yourself.
Unit 4 Mysteries.
Lessons 1 -2 At the edge of the unknown.
Lessons 3-4 Telepathy.
Lessons 5-6 Stone me!.
Lesson 7 Check your grammar & vocabulary.
Lesson 8 Express yourself.
Unit 5 TV or not TV?.
Lessons 1-2 What's on the box?.
Lessons 3-4 Whose choice is it?.
Lessons 5-6 TV-Turnoff Week turns me on.
Lesson 7 Check your grammar & vocabulary.
Lesson 8 Express yourself.
Unit 6 World of science.
Lessons 1-2 What science can do.
Lessons 3-4 What is science?.
Lessons 5-6 Why do people become scientists?.
Lesson 7 Check your grammar & vocabulary.
Lesson 8 Express yourself.
Unit 7 Understanding art.
Lessons 1-2 Line.
Lessons 3-4 Modern art.
Lessons 5-6 Great myths in art.
Lesson 7 Check your grammar & vocabulary.
Lesson 8 Express yourself.
Unit 8 Crime and punishment.
Lessons 1-2 Is it a crime?.
Lessons 3-4 Should we be cruel or be kind?.
Lessons 5-6 Survival skills.
Lesson 7 Check your grammar & vocabulary.
Lesson 8 Express yourself.
Unit 9 The way we live.
Lessons 1-2 Most treasured possession.
Lessons 3-4 Alternative lifestyles.
Lessons 5-6 Back or forward?.
Lesson 7 Check your grammar & vocabulary.
Lesson 8 Express yourself.
Unit 10 Whose world is it?.
Lessons 1-2 Cause or effect?.
Lessons 3-4 Love thy neighbour.
Lessons 5-6 Explorers or intruders?.
Lessons 7-8 Check your grammar & vocabulary.
Extensive reading.
Unit 1 What's in a language?.
Unit 2 People and places.
Unit 3 A job for life?.
Unit 4 Mysteries.
Unit 5 TV or not TV?.
Unit 6 World of science.
Unit 7 Understanding art.
Unit 8 Crime and punishment.
Unit 9 The way we live.
Unit 10 Whose world is it?.
Photocopiable materials.
Sample tests.

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