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Пособие по синонимике английского языка, Годлинник Ю.И., Малишевская Е.В., Федосеева Д.А., 1965

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Пособие по синонимике английского языка, Годлинник Ю.И., Малишевская Е.В., Федосеева Д.А., 1965.

   This book is intended for students of English of pedagogical institutes and universities. It has purely practical aims. The purpose of the book is to help students to discriminate between words that form synonymic groups, but differ in the shades of meaning, in nuances and in usage. Within a synonymic group the words may also vary in stylistic colouring. Accordingly, the book deals with lexical and stylistic synonyms.

Пособие по синонимике английского языка, Годлинник Ю.И., Малишевская Е.В., Федосеева Д.А., 1965

ANIMAL, beast, brute.
Animal, beast, brute can be arranged in a synonymic group as denoting quadrupeds. Besides, all these words in their figurative sense may be applicable to man. Brute in current English is mostly used in its figurative sense.

Animal and beast, when used literally, are applied both to domestic and wild quadrupeds.

Animal, apart from the other members of the group, is applicable to any living thing except a plant. Men, birds, insects, fish and reptiles are all animals.

When used figuratively, the word animal often suggests the idea of the physical qualities dominating over the spiritual nature of a man or a woman. It may be used, though not necessarily, in an ironical or derogatory sense.

(1) affair, business, concern, matter, thing.
(2) animal, beast, brute.
(3) appointment, engagement, date.
(4) care, concern, solicitude, anxiety, worry.
(5) chance, opportunity, occasion.
(6) CORNER, angle.
(7) edge, border, rim, brim, brink, verge.
(8) experience, experiment.
(9) fault, guilt.
(10) look, glance, view, sight, glimpse.
(11) occurrence, event, incident, episode, accident.
(12) alone, lonely, lone, solitary, forlorn.
(13) aware, conscious, sensible.
(14) bad. ill, wicked, evil.
(15) bad. poor.
(16) BARE, naked, nude.
(17) dark, dim, obscure, gloomy.
(18) empty, vacant, blank.
(19) false, wrong.
(20) famous, notorious, distinguished, eminent.
(21) firm, hard, solid.
(22) high, tall, lofty.
(23) liable, subject, susceptible, sensitive, exposed, open.
(24) rough, harsh, uneven, rugged.
(25) rough, rude, crude, raw.
(26) sharp, keen, acute.
(27) strange, odd, queer, quaint.
(28) agree, consent.
(29) answer, reply, respond, retort.
(30) APPEAR, emerge.
(31) appreciate, value, cherish.
(32) ask. inquire, question, interrogate.
(33) bear, endure, suffer, stand, tolerate.
(34) begin, commence, start.
(35) choose, select, elect, pick.
(36) climb, ascend, mount.
(37) CONTINUE, last.
(38) creep, crawl.
(39) decline, refuse, reject.
(40) dedicate, devote.
(41) descend, dismount, alight.
(42) dismiss, discharge, sack, fire.
(43) escape, avoid, evade, elude.
(44) expect, hope, await.
(45) fasten, fix, attach.
(46) finish, complete, conclude, end.
(47) get. obtain, acquire, gain, win, earn.
(48) go, leave, withdraw, retire, depart, quit, clear out (off).
(49) invent, discover.
(50) leave, abandon, forsake, desert.
(51) let, allow, permit.
(52) live, dwell, lodge, stay, stop, put up.
(53) pull, draw,, drag.
(54) pursue, chase, follow.
(55) see. behold, perceive, survey, contemplate, observe, notice, discern.
(56) seem, look, appear.
(57) shake, tremble, quiver, shiver, shudder.
(58) show, exhibit, display, demonstrate, manifest.
(59) stay, remain, linger.
(60) take, seize, snatch, grasp, grip, clutch, grab.
(61) take, bring, fetch.
(62) take, receive, accept.
(63) take, assume.
(64) throw, fling, hurl, toss, cast.
(65) try, attempt, endeavour, strive, struggle.
Key to the Exercises.
Index of the Words Making up the Synonymic Groups.

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