Practical book on Biology, For foreign citizens of preparatory division, Практикум по биология, Логишинец И.А., Бекиш В.Я., Зорина В.В., 2017.
В практикуме рассматриваются: сущность жизни, уровни организации живого, биология и физиология клетки, размножение организмов, индивидуальное развитие, наследственность и изменчивость, вирусы, бактерии, водоросли, лишайники, грибы, растения, животные, особенности строения и физиологии человека.
Практикум включает 34 темы практических и 5 - итоговых занятий. Каждое практическое занятие состоит из вводной части материала, цели занятия, вопросов, основных понятий и терминов для подготовки к занятию, 20 тестов для проверки уровня знаний по теме, литературы для подготовки и материалов для выполнения практической работы. Итоговые занятия включают цель, вопросы для подготовки, литературу и материалы для выполнения практической работы.
Для иностранных граждан, поступающих в медицинские университеты, слушателей подготовительного отделения, студентов первого курса, обучающихся на русском и английском языках.

Cell morphology. Wall. The cytoplasm, its structural components.
The structural components of eukaryotic cells are the cell membrane, cytoplasm and nucleus. Represented by the outer cell wall of the cytoplasmic membrane, cell wall (plants) and the glycocalyx (some animals). The cytoplasm includes hyaloplasm, organelles and inclusions.
The biological membrane has liquid-mosaic structure (Singer model). It consists of three layers. Protein layers are arranged between the lipid layers. Each lipid molecule has hydrophilic and hydrophobic groups. Lipids form two layers, with their hydrophobic ends facing each other. The protein layers are not continuous. Part of the protein molecules located on the surface of a portion immersed in the lipid layer of the protein permeates the lipid layer through forming hydrophilic pores. The membranes of organelles have the same principle of the structure, but may differ quantitative ratio of protein and lipid, and their location in the membrane structure.
Theme №1. Biology is the science of the main regularities of the phenomena of life. Cell theory.
Theme №2. Chemical composition of cell. Inorganic substances. Organic substances: carbohydrates, lipids.
Theme №3. Chemical composition of cell. Organic substances: proteins, nucleic acids.
Theme №4. Cell morphology. Wall. The cytoplasm, its structural components.
Theme №5. Cell morphology. Structure and functions of the nucleus.
Theme №6. Metabolism and energy exchange.
Theme №7. Life cycle of cells.
Theme №8. Reproduction of organisms.
Theme №9. Individual development of organisms.
Theme №10. Bases of cytology, reproduction and individual development (summing-up class).
Theme №11. Genetics as a science of heredity and variation. Patterns of inheritance of traits.
Theme №12. Genetics of sex. Linked inheritance.
Theme №13. Phenotypic and genotypic diversity.
Theme №14. Fundamentals of genetics (summing-up class).
Theme №15. Systematic of the organic world. Viruses. Bacteria. Fungi.
Theme №16. Botany isa science about plants. Algae. Lichens.
Theme №17. Higher plants. Vegetative and generative organs of plants.
Theme №18. Higher plants. Mossy. Fern.
Theme №19. Higher plants. Gymnosperms. Angiosperms.
Theme №20. Viruses. Bacteria. Fungi. Plants (summing-up class).
Theme №21. Zoology is a science about animals. Monocellular animals
Theme №22. Type Coelenterates. Type Flatworms.
Theme №23. Type Roundworms.
Theme №24. Type Annelids. Type Mollusks.
Theme №25. Type Arthropods.
Theme №26. Type Chordates. Class Amphioxus.
Theme №27. Subclass Fish. Class Amphibians.
Theme №28. Class Reptiles. Class Aves. Class Mammals.
Theme №29. Animals (summing-up class).
Theme №30. Human. Main types of tissues.
Theme №31. Musculoskeletal system.
Theme №32. Digestive system.
Theme №33. Respiratory system.
Theme №34. Excretory system. Skin.
Theme №35. Circulatory system.
Theme №36. Nervous system.
Theme №37. Endocrine glands.
Theme №38. Reproduction of human.
Theme №39. Human (summing-up class).
Keys tothe tests.
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Дата публикации:
Теги: учебник по биологии :: биология :: Логишинец :: Бекиш :: Зорина
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