Обучалка в Телеграм

Учимся употреблять артикли, Бармина Л.А., Верховская И.П., 1989

Учимся употреблять артикли, Бармина Л.А., Верховская И.П., 1989.
   Основная направленность пособия - предупреждение ошибок в употреблении артиклей. В пособии изложены правила функционирования артиклей, которые иллюстрируются наглядным фактическим материалом. Эта часть пособия может быть использована и как справочник. Упражнения второй части пособия составлены с учетом последовательной самостоятельной работы студентов над темой.

Учимся употреблять артикли, Бармина Л.А., Верховская И.П., 1989

The use of the articles is influenced by the kind of noun they modify. The division of nouns into countable
and uncountable and also into common and proper is relevant to the use of the articles.

Countable nouns, as the term suggests, refer to objects (things, persons, phenomena, abstract notions) which can be counted; these nouns, therefore, have the singular and the plural form:
a book — two books
a man — men
a storm — storms
an idea — some ideas
a mistake — many mistakes.

General notion.
Functions of the articles.
Classification of nouns.
Use of articles with common nouns.
Articles with countable nouns.
Meanings pf articles with countable nouns.
Articles with countable nouns modified by attributes.
The generic use of the definite article
Articles with uncountable nouns.
Articles with names of substances.
Articles with abstract nouns.
Articles with nouns referring to unique objects.
Articles with nouns in some syntactic positions.
Articles with predicative nouns.
Articles with nouns in apposition.
Absence of articles in parallel structures.
Absence of articles with vocatives.
Articles with nouns introduced by as.
Articles after the exclamatory what.
Absence of articles in absolute constructions.
Special difficulties in the use of articles.
Articles with names of seasons.
Articles with names of times of the day and night.
Articles with names of meals.
Articles with names of diseases.
Articles with the noun sea.
Articles with the nouns school, college, hospital, etc.
Articles with the noun society.
Articles with the noun town.
Articles with the nouns radio and television.
Articles with nouns in some common expressions.
Place of articles.
Use of articles with proper nouns.
Articles with personal names.
Articles with geographic names.
Articles with other semantic groups of proper names.

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