TOEFL iBT Exam Vocabulary List, 1700 Words.
Welcome to Michael Buckhoff’s TOEFL iBT Vocabulary List. After many years of teaching students how to prepare for the TOEFL iBT Exam, Michael noticed he was seeing the same words over and over again. He began to make a list of these words and did not find a repetition until he reached 1,700 total words. There are 1,700 words in this list divided into two categories. The first category is 200 words of intermediate level reading. The second is 1,500 words of advanced level reading.

Absorb (verb)
to occupy the full attention of, for example, to take in moisture or liquid Therapists who believe in the reality of Multiple Personality Disorder generally believe it to be caused by very severe abuse during childhood violence so extreme that the child cannot absorb the trauma in its entirety.
Abandon (verb)
to give up without intending to return or claim again Vinland was the first European Settlement in the New World but now was abandoned.
Abdomen (noun)
the part of the body containing the digestive and reproductive organs In the middle of the abdomen lies a 20 foot long small intestine.
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Теги: словарь по английскому языку :: английский язык
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