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Теоретическая фонетика, английский язык, часть 1, Смолина-Степович Л.Ю., 2018

Теоретическая фонетика, Английский язык, Часть 1, Смолина-Степович Л.Ю., 2018.
   Учебно-методические материалы предназначены для студентов направления подготовки 44.03.05 Педагогическое образование (профиль «Иностранный язык», «Иностранный язык») по курсу «Теоретическая фонетика. Английский язык».
Учебно-методические материалы состоят из двух частей. Первая часть учебно-методические материалов содержит краткое изложение теоретического материала на английском языке, задания на понимание содержания, что является основой для контроля усвоения изученного материала, и список терминов по темам теоретической части.

Теоретическая фонетика, Английский язык, Часть 1, Смолина-Степович Л.Ю., 2018

The System of English Consonants.
Sounds can function as units of language only if they differ from one another. As has been said before mutually distinctive speech sounds are called phonemes. The main method of establishing phonemes of a given language is the commutation test or discovery of minimal pairs through which the establishment of the phonetic status of each sound is accomplished.

When in a contrastive pair one consonant phoneme is opposed to any other consonant phoneme in at least one position, this pair is called minimal. E.g. pen - Ben. The phoneme [p] is opposed to the phoneme [b] due to the presence and absence of voice: it is the only distinctive feature of this minimal pair. All other features are irrelevant here. If there are more than one distinctive feature in a pair, it is called sub-minimal. E.g. treasure-pressure The opposition in this pair is due to: 1) the presence and absence of voice in phonemes, 2) forelingua 1 articulation of the [t] phoneme and bilabial articulation of the [p] phoneme. All other features are distinctively irrelevant in this pair. Minimal pairs occur in identical, semi-minimal in similar environments.

1. Introduction to the course of theoretical phonetics.
2. Phonetics and phonology. Phonological schools in our country and abroad.
3. The system of English consonants.
4. The system of English vowels.
5. Modification of consonants and vowels in connected speech.
6. Syllabic structure of English words.
7. Accentual structure of English words.
8. General characteristics of intonation. Prosody.
9. Dialectology. Territorial varieties of English.
10. Phonetic styles.

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