English for history students, Voichici O.C., 2017.
English language, one of the most widely spoken languages, is essential in the world of today. It is an important tool of communication; it gives students the opportunity of accessing English resources needed to progress in their studies; last, but not least, it may provide better job opportunities (sometimes, it is even an essential job requirement). This is why I believe that English language acquisition and the ability to use it are an absolute necessity.
English for History Students is an exciting and informative book which addresses all students studying History (or those keen on approaching, more or less thoroughly, this constantly revealing field of knowledge). It is a language course intended to provide learners with basic historical facts about the United Kingdom and help them learn - and fix in their mind - English terms that are specific to this domain.

Britain has always thrust out towards the continent of Europe, a low coast with an undulating plain behind, easy of access through many havens and navigable rivers. It was only westward and northward, against the Atlantic, that the island presented a mountainous and iron-bound coast. But, from the earliest ages, the flat south and east coastlines with the plains and low ridges behind them presented, so long as they were unguarded by a fleet, a standing temptation to the migratory tribes, pirates, plunderers and traders roaming along the continental shores.
The temptation to invade the island lay not only in the pearls, the gold and the tin, but also in its fertile soil, the rich carpet of perennial green that covered the downs and every clearing in the forest. When the age of bronze began in Britain, followed after more than a thousand years by the age of iron, the metals were found in plenty with timber to smelt them. Fresh water was widely distributed. Such were the attractions of this desirable land. From the early stone age till the Danish invasions, some race of warriors crossing from some part of what we now call France, Holland, Germany or Scandinavia, settled on the rich lowlands of southern and eastern Britain, killed or subjected many of the older inhabitants and driven the rest into the mountains of the north and west or into the barren and remote peninsula of Cornwell.
Introduction: The Mixture which is British.
Celtic Britain.
Grammar Practice: Tense revision I.
Some Additional Reading: Stonehenge, England.
Roman Britain.
Grammar Practice: Tense Revision - II; The Adjective I.
Vocabulary Practice (The language of history: fill in the blanks with suitable word; find synonyms).
Some Additional Reading: Hadrian's Wall.
The Germanic Invasions.
Grammar Practice: The If-Clauses Vocabulary Practice (The language of history: fill in the blanks with suitable word).
Some Additional Reading: The Legend of King Arthur.
Norman Britain: William the Conqueror.
Grammar Practice: The Passive Voice.
Some Additional Reading: The Norman Conquest.
The Mediaeval Period (1066-1458).
Grammar Practice (Rephrasing).
Vocabulary Practice (The language of history: fill in the blanks with suitable word; group words thematically).
Some Additional Reading: Magna Carta.
The Sixteenth Century.
Grammar Practice: The Adjective II.
Vocabulary Practice (The language of history: choose the correct answer; fill in with suitable word).
Some Additional Reading: Elizabeth I - A Queen with the Heart of a King The Seventeenth Century.
Grammar Practice: The Adverb.
Vocabulary Practice (The language of history: synonymy; choose the correct word from multiple choices; fill in with suitable word; time expressions).
Some Additional Reading: The Great Plague and the Great Fire.
The Eighteenth Century.
Grammar Practice: The Noun - I.
Vocabulary Practice (The language of history: choose the correct answer) Some Additional Reading: The Union Jack.
The Nineteenth Century.
Grammar Practice: The Noun - II; Norm Substitutes and Determiners Vocabulary Practice (Choose the correct word from multiple choices;
fill in with suitable word).
Some Additional Reading: Queen Victoria.
The Twentieth Century.
Grammar Practice: Sentences and Clauses.
Vocabulary Practice (Choose the correct explanation; match word with definition; read clues and complete words in grid).
Some Additional Reading: Queen Elizabeth II.
The Twenty-First Century.
Grammar Practice: Phrasal Verbs.
Vocabulary Practice (Fill in with given words; match word with definition; word search puzzle; idioms containing names; colloquial expressions).
History Quiz.
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Теги: учебник по английскому языку :: английский язык :: Voichici
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