Обучалка в Телеграм

Самоучитель английского языка для поступающих в вузы, учебное пособие, Разинкина Н.М., 2002

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Самоучитель английского языка для поступающих в вузы, учебное пособие, Разинкина Н.М., 2002.

Пособие содержит тексты с грамматическими и лексическими комментариями, заданиями на активизацию материала и тесты, позволяющие контролировать уровень знаний и умений.
Рекомендуется всем, кто готовится к сдаче вступительного экзамена по английскому языку в высшее учебное заведение.

Самоучитель английского языка для поступающих в вузы, учебное пособие, Разинкина Н.М., 2002


1. В прочитанном Вами тексте пассивная конструкция встречается несколько раз.
Translate into Russian.
accomplished something that is rarely accomplished______________________
In London he was awarded (he gold medal_____________________________
Some of his paintings were selected for_________________________________
A message . was successfully transmitted______________________________

2. Put the verbs in brackets into the Passive.
1. The printing press________(invent) in the fifteenth century.
2. Last night I________(invite) to a parly by a friend from Scotland.
3. Spain and Portugal________(visit) by millions of tourists every year.
4. Italy and Russia________(invade) by Napoleon.
5. The menu in that restaurant________(change) every month.
6. Many people________(kill) in road accidents every year.
7. The United Nations (found) in 1945.

3. В тексте Вы столкнулись с существительным disinterest - отсутствие интереса. С помощью приставки dis- образуются слова, имеющие обратное значение тому, которое выражено корневой основой слова.
Translate into Russian the following pairs of words:
to appear — to disappear____________________________________________
to agree — to disagree____________________________________________
an advantage - disadvantage_________________________________________
an ability - disability ______________________________________________
to satisfy - to dissatisfy_____________________________________________
to approve - to disapprove__________________________________________
to assemble - to disassemble
order - disorder___________________________________________________


Part I. Revising Grammar and Vocabulary
Unit 1. Samuel Finley Breese Morse
Unit 2. The Invention of the Phonograph
Unit 3. Niagara Falls
Unit 4. The Early History of the White House
Unit 5. The Beginning of Reform in American Education
Unit 6. An Introduction to American Culture
Unit 7. An Introduction to American Culture {cant.)
Unit 8. An Introduction to Americari Culture (cont.)
Unit 9. Increase in U.S. Medical Bills
Unit 10. The First Twenty-Four Hours
Unit 11. Education
Unit 12. Personal Space
Unit 13. Indian Cliff Dwellings
Unit 14. The American Monetary System of the 17th and 18th Centuries
Unit 15. The Federal Reserve System
Unit 16. The Forgotten Letter
Unit 17. The Forgotten Letter (cant.)
Unit 18. Just What Is a Vacation Anyway?
Unit 19 . Just What Is a Vacation Anyway? (cant.)
Unit 20. The Characteristics of Business
Part II. Summing Up
Text 1. Modern Life
Text 2. Hygiene. lOS
Text 3. A Polite Request
Text 4. Faster Than Sound
Text 5. The World of Perception
Text 6. The World's Language - Unexpected Traps
Text 7. English Pubs
Text 8. England, Ireland, Scotland, Wales
Text 9. Scotland
Text 10. American Pattern of Thinking
Text 11. The Oyster's Tear
Text 12. Communication Phases
Text 13. Language Learning
Text 14. Language Learning (cont.)
Text 15. 'Ein Image Problem' and 'das Cash-FloW'
Text 16. What to Do?
Text 17. Another Problem to Solve
Text 18. Melatonin
Text 19. Interesting Traits
Part III. Grammar and Vocabulary Tests
Test A
Test B
Test C
Topics for Discussion or Composition
Answer Key

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