Обучалка в Телеграм

Англичане говорят так, Плюхина З.А., 1991

Англичане говорят так, Плюхина З.А., 1991.
   Цель пособия - развитие умения стилистически адекватного использования английского языка в жизненно важных ситуациях с учетом правил и норм социального общения. Пособие состоит из 26 тематических уроков, содержащих конкретную лингвострановедческую информацию применительно к ситуации общения, перечень наиболее употребительных речевых формул и серию упражнений, ориентированных на отработку коммуникативных навыков.

Англичане говорят так, Плюхина З.А., 1991

Re-read the text to answer the following questions:
1. Why do they say that a conversation often depends on questions? 2. What language do the British use to ask personal questions? To speak about age? Somebody’s job? 3. What are the most useful phrases for describing somebody’s job? 4. What’s the technique for getting extra information? 5. How do the British ask for clarification? 6. What are the most helpful ways in English for interrupting other people? 7. How can one continue to hold the floor without being interrupted? 8. What are some methods of making sure everyone gets a chance to speak in a conversation? 9. What’s the technique for correcting statements politely? 10. When do the British give a one-word answer? 11. What should one do to sound interested when listening to others? 12. What are some ways to delay answering a question? 13. What language do the British use to avoid discussing something? 14. How can a person develop a conversation in English? 15. What are the ways of terminating a conversation in English?

Make a natural response to the following remarks, remembering that you should both answer and develop the conversation:
1. You’ve been to London, haven’t you? 2. Have you seen the paper today? 3. You’re not English, are you? 4. You work a lot, don’t you? 5. Television’s done a lot of good, hasn’t it? 6. You haven’t got a minute to spare, have you?

Introduction for Students
Unit 1. The Most Important Words and Phrases to Make a Conversation
Unit 2. Forms of Address
Unit 3. Greetings, Introductions, Saying Good-bye
Unit 4. How to Start a Conversation
Unit 5. How Conversation Works
Unit 6. Apologies and Excuses
Unit 7. Requesting
Unit 8. Suggestions
Unit 9. Invitations
Unit 10. Offers
Unit 11. Asking for Permission
Unit 12. Personal Interests
Unit 13. How to Ask Someone About His/Hcr Problem
Unit 14. Stating Likes, Dislikes and Preferences
Unit 15. Advice
Unit 16. Opinions
Unit 17. Approval and Disapproval
Unit 18. Annoyance
Unit 19. Reproach
Unit 20. Surprise -
Unit 21. Disappointment, Regret, Wishes
Unit 22. Belief and Disbelief
Unit 23. Sympathy and Encouragement
Unit 24. Complaining
Unit 25. Persuasion
Unit 26. Discussing Ideas and Opinions
Words and Phrases You Might Need to Express Various Reactions.

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