Обучалка в Телеграм

Grammarway 4 - Jenny Dooley, Virginia Evans

Название: Grammarway 4.

Автор: Jenny Dooley, Virginia Evans

Grammarway 4 is the fourth book in a four-level grammar series presented in full colour for learners of the English language at upper-intermediate level. The book is available in two editions - with or without answers - and is suitable for self-study or classroom use as a supplement to any course at this level.

Grammarway 4 - Jenny Dooley, Virginia Evans

The aim of the book is to help learners understand English grammar structures through comprehensive theory tables and functional examples, accompanied by a wealth of attractive photographs and illustrations.

Unit 1 lenses (Present Forms - Post Forms - Future Forms)
Unit 2 Infinitive The -inn form Too - Enough Principles
Unit 3 Adjectives - Ariverhs - Compnrisons
(Units 1 - 3)
Unit 4 Nouns - Articles - Woiri Formrilion
Unit 5 Modal Verbs
Unit 6 The Passive - Have Something Done
(Units 1 - 6)
Unit 7 Reported Speech
Unit 8 Emphasis - Inversion
Unit 9 Condilionnls - Wishes - Hud Belter Would Rather - Unreal Past
(Units 1 - 9)
Unit 10 Clauses - linking Woids
Unit 11 Pionouns - Possessives - Demonstratives - puanliliers
Unit 12 Questions and Answers - Words ollen Contused
(Units 1 -12)
Irregular Verbs
Progress Tests
Key to the Exercises

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