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Java Programming on Linux - Nathan Meyers

Краткое содержание материала:

Java Programming on Linux - Nathan Meyers - 2000.

This book is neither a course in Java programming nor a manual for the Linux OS. While the well-written text provides overviews of both Java and Linux, it's really a compendium of information you'll want on hand once you've chosen Java-on-Linux. Coverage includes: configuring your Linux desktop, a list of the Java core classes, a rundown of compilers, the Kaffe cleanroom, tidbits about Linus Torvalds and Richard Stallman, the Open Source movement, when JIT compilers are a benefit, threads, GNU, what's supported where, decompilers and obfuscators, and improved graphical rendering. This must-have book will answer your questions and provide enjoyable browsing for a long time

Java Programming on Linux - Nathan Meyers




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