Focus 5, Workbook, Brayshaw D., Siuta T., Trapnell B., Russel D., 2017.
We are writing to you to introduce the new edition of Focus, our five-level course for upper secondary students. As writers, it is always a privilege to be invited to ‘have another go’ and we are grateful to our publisher Pearson for giving us this opportunity. At the same time, we are particularly wary of introducing change for change’s sake. ’If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it’ is a maxim we set great store by. In our own classrooms, we are still using ideas and teaching techniques that we learnt early on in our careers. Why? Because they still work.

One example of such adaptability has been observed among communities of crows living in the urban environment of a Japanese city. There, they have found a way of reaching food that Is normally inaccessible. The birds wait patiently at traffic lights for the oncoming traffic to stop at the red light for pedestrians. Next, they hop in front of the waiting cars and place walnuts gathered from nearby trees on the surface of the road. Just before the lights turn green, they fly away and, when the traffic begins to move again, the cars roll over the hard-shelled nuts and crack them open. Finally, once pedestrians regain the right of way, the crows return and collect their delicious snacks.
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Теги: Brayshaw :: Siuta :: Trapnell :: Russel :: рабочая тетрадь по английскому языку :: английский язык :: книги на английском языке
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