Обучалка в Телеграм

Английский язык, Enjoy English, 9 класс, рабочая тетрадь №1, Биболетова М.З., Бабушис Е.Е., Кларк О.И., Морозова А.Н., 2008

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Английский язык, Enjoy English, 9 класс, Рабочая тетрадь №1, Биболетова М.3., Бабушис Е.Е., Кларк О.И., Морозова А.Н., 2008.

Фрагмент из книги.
It was a grey rainy day Jane was in and was searching the shelves for something to read Granny was having a nap in the armchair. Jane came across a thick and heavy album with old photos. It definitely wasn't the thing to cure her boredom, but, nevertheless, she looked through several pages.

Английский язык, Enjoy English, 9 класс, Рабочая тетрадь №1, Биболетова М.3., Бабушис Е.Е., Кларк О.И., Морозова А.Н., 2008

What would you ask in the following situations? Make up any questions to get the necessary information.
1 You want to invite a boy I girl to see a film. You want to choose a film to his / her taste.
2 You are invited to a birthday party, but you don’t know when you are expected to come.
3 You need some information about the cafe "Silver Spoon". You are looking for a person who has visited that cafe.
4 Your neighbour speaks Spanish fluently. You want to know how long it may take to learn Spanish.
5 Your two friends don’t speak to each other. You want to understand why.
6 Your friend is very quiet and upset. You want to know the reason.

Ask questions to the words in hold.
1 My roommate speaks on the phone for hours She is such a chatterbox!
2 Everybody in our class envies Cathy. Her father often takes her on research expeditions to Australia.
3 We told Jessica that she should be more tactful and polite with people. She ignored our advice.
4 Lily enjoyed watching cartoons when she was little, but her younger sister doesn't care for them at all
5 It normally lakes me five minutes to take a shower in the morning.
6 Lisa was in New York last year. She tells everyone about it.

Unit 1 Families and Friends: Are We Happy Together?.
Unit 2 It’s a Big World! Start Travelling Now!.
Unit 3 Can We Learn to Live in Peace?.
Unit 4 Make Your Choice, Make Your Life.
Project Globalisation and My Country.

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