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The Official Guide to the TOEFL, Test, Third Edition, 2009

The Official Guide to the TOEFL, Test, Third Edition, 2009.

   Undergraduate, graduate, and postgraduate programs around the world require students to demonstrate their ability to communicate in English as an entrance requirement.
The TOEFL test gives students the opportunity to prove they can communicate ideas effectively by simulating university classroom and student life communication.
The language used in the test reflects real-life English-language usage in university lectures, classes, and laboratories. It is the same language professors use when they discuss coursework or concepts with students. It is the language students use in study groups and everyday university situations, such as buying books at the bookstore. The reading passages are from real textbooks and course

The Official Guide to the TOEFL, Test, Third Edition, 2009

Rhetorical Purpose Questions.
Rhetoric is the art of speaking or writing effectively. In Factual Information questions you are asked what information an author has presented. In Rhetorical Purpose questions you are asked why the author has presented a particular piece of information in a particular place or manner. Rhetorical Purpose questions ask you to show that you understand the rhetorical function of a statement or paragraph as it relates to the rest of the passage.

Sometimes you will be asked to identify how one paragraph relates to another. For instance, the second paragraph may give examples to support a statement in the first paragraph. The answer choices may be expressed in general terms, (for example, “a theory is explained and then illustrated”) or in terms that are specific to the passage. (“The author explains the categories of adaptation to deserts by mammals and then gives an example.”)

A Rhetorical Purpose question may also ask why the author quotes a certain person or why the author mentions a particular piece of information (Example: Why does the author mention “the ability to grasp a pencil”? Correct answer: It is an example of a motor skill developed by children at 10 to 11 months of age.)

1 Introducing the TOEFL® iBT.
Getting Started.
How to Use This Book/CD Package.
All About the TOEFL iBT.
TOEFL iBT Reading Section.
TOEFL iBT Listening Section.
TOEFL iBT Speaking Section.
TOEFL iBT Writing Section.
About Test Scores.
General Skill-Building Tips.
Test Preparation Tips from ETS.
Questions Frequently Asked by Students.
2 TOEFLI iBT Reading.
TOEFL iBT Reading Passages.
TOEFL iBT Reading Questions.
Basic Information and Inferen cing Questions.
Reading to Learn Questions.
Improving Your Performance on TOEFL iBT Reading Questions.
Reading Practice Sets.
Practice Set 1.
Practice Set 2.
Practice Set 3.
Practice Set 4.
Practice Set 5.
Practice Set 6.
3 TOEFL iBT Listening.
TOEFL iBT Listening Materials.
TOEFL iBT Listening Questions.
Basic Comprehension Questions.
Pragmatic Understanding Questions.
Connecting Information Questions.
Basic Strategies for the TOEFL iBT Listening Section.
Listening Practice Sets.
Practice Set 1.
Practice Set 2.
Practice Set 3.
Practice Set 4.
Practice Set 5.
4 TOEFL iBT Speaking.
Introduction to the Speaking Section.
Speaking Question Types.
Independent Questions 1 and 2.
Integrated Listening/Reading/Speaking: Questions 3 and 4.
Integrated Listening/Speaking: Questions 5 and 6.
TOEFL iBT Speaking Scoring Rubric.
Strategics for Raising Your TOEFL Speaking Score.
Frequently Asked Questions about TOEFL Speaking.
5 TOEFL iBT Writing.
Introduction to the Writing Section.
The Integrated Writing Task.
How the Task Is Phrased.
Strategics for Raising Your Score on the Integrated Writing Task.
Integrated Writing Scoring Rubric.
Sample Scored Responses for the Integrated Writing Task.
The Independent Writing Task.
How Essays Are Scored.
Independent Writing Scoring Rubric.
Sample Scored Responses for the Independent Writing Task.
The Independent Writing Topics.
Topic list.
6 Authentic TOEFL iBT Practice Test 1.
Answers, Explanations, and Listening Scripts.
7 Authentic TOEFL iBT Practice Test 2.
Answers and Listening Scripts.
Appendix 1: TOEFL iBT Score Information.
Appendix 2: Performance Feedback for Test Takers.

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