Решебник по английскому языку, 9 класс, Панкова А.Г., 2009, к учебнику New Millennium English за 9 класс, Деревянко Н.Н.

Решебник по английскому языку, 9 класс, Панкова А.Г., 2009, к учебнику New Millennium English за 9 класс, Деревянко Н.Н.

   Частичное изображение художественного оформления пособия New Millennium English (авторы Деревянко Н. Н. и др.) использовано в качестве иллюстративного материала в данном учебном издании.

Решебник, New Millennium English, 9 класс, Панкова А.Г., 2009

Lesson 7.
Adam: When we first arrived here I was surprised that everyone is very nice and extremely trusting. My first impression of Russia is that it reminds me of home. I come from Wisconsin, which is much like Novosibirsk, always snowy and cold. But I like cold weather so 1 am very comfortable here. I am very happy to be able to come and visit Russia. It’s a trip that I’ll never forget, and I hope to return.

Emily: I have been in Russia for about five days now, and it has been very interesting so far. My first impression of Russia when I got off the plane were that it would be very difficult to get around and understand things because I didn’t know any Russian, and all of the signs were in the Russian language! Many people don’t speak any English at all, so I had to rely on my host student to help me buy things, and to ride the bus and tell people what I was looking for or what I needed. Anyway, people in Russia are very kind and nice, even when they don’t understand what I am trying to say.

Meagan: Visiting Russia has been very interesting as it is quite different from home. When we arrived in Moscow, we were all shocked to see how Russians drive. It seems to us that they are crazy drivers, as if they don’t have any traffic laws. Seeing them drive so fast and getting so close is quite strange for us. It is also odd for us to see so many people walking. At home, everyone either drives or takes public transport everywhere, and it is refreshing to be in a place where everyone walks and gets their good dose of exercise compared to us lazy Americans.

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