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Sejong korean conversation workbook 4-1, 2020

23.11.22 12:33
Sejong korean conversation workbook 4-1, 2020.

Фрагмент из книги.
When speaking with surprise, the intonation of the second to the last syllable will drop sharply and then slightly rise
at the end. The intonation depth varies by the speaker’s emotions.

Sejong korean conversation workbook 4-1, 2020
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Sejong korean conversation workbook 3-2, 2020

23.11.22 12:31
Sejong korean conversation workbook 3-2, 2020.

Фрагмент из книги.
When using -거든(요)’ to specify reasons, the intonation slightly rises in the end. However, when you are explaining the background of what you are about to say, the intonation rises higher in the end. This chapter cover when you are specifying reasons.

Sejong korean conversation workbook 3-2, 2020
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Sejong korean conversation workbook 3-1, 2020

23.11.22 12:27
Sejong korean conversation workbook 3-1, 2020.

Фрагмент из книги.
‘-으려고(요)/-려고(요)’ attaches to action verb stems and is used to indicate an intention or plan to do something. ‘- 으려고(요)’ attaches to consonant-final action verb stems, and ‘-려고(요)’ attaches to vowel-final and ㄹ-final action verb stems. The subject of the two clauses must be the same and also used only once in the first clause.

Sejong korean conversation workbook 3-1, 2020
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Sejong korean conversation workbook 2-2, 2020

23.11.22 12:22
Sejong korean conversation workbook 2-2, 2020.

Фрагмент из книги.
When a syllable that comes after a final double consonants starts with a vowel, the second consonant of the double becomes the initial sound of the syllable. However, when a syllable that comes after ‘ㄳ and ㅄ’ of the final double consonants starts with a vowel, the initial sounds become [ㅆ] and not [ㅅ].

Sejong korean conversation workbook 2-2
Скачать и читать Sejong korean conversation workbook 2-2, 2020

Sejong korean conversation workbook 2-1, 2020

23.11.22 12:18
Sejong korean conversation workbook 2-1, 2020.

Фрагмент из книги.
‘이나/나’ and ‘-거나’ connects two or more nouns, actions, or states to indicate the possibility of choosing from among them. ‘이나/나’ is used after nouns, and ‘-거나’ is used after verbs and adjectives. For consonant-final nouns, ‘이나’ is used, while ‘나’ is used for vowel-final nouns. The form ‘-거나’ is used for all verbs and adjectives.

Sejong korean conversation workbook 2-1
Скачать и читать Sejong korean conversation workbook 2-1, 2020

Beginner s somali workbook, Part 3, Nilsson M., 2021

23.11.22 12:07
Beginner's somali workbook, Part 3, Nilsson M., 2021.

    This lesson gives more information about the plural forms of nouns, about focused subjects, modifiers, ordinal numbers, vowel alternations in verbs.

Beginner's somali workbook, Part 3, Nilsson M., 2021
Скачать и читать Beginner s somali workbook, Part 3, Nilsson M., 2021

Beginner s somali workbook, Part 2, Nilsson M., 2021

23.11.22 12:01
Beginner's somali workbook, Part 2, Nilsson M., 2021.

    This lesson gives more information about the plural forms of nouns, about focused subjects, modifiers, ordinal numbers, vowel alternations in verbs.

Beginner's somali workbook, Part 2, Nilsson M., 2021
Скачать и читать Beginner s somali workbook, Part 2, Nilsson M., 2021

An Introduction to English Grammar, Nelson G., Greenbaum S., 2016

23.11.22 11:51
An Introduction to English Grammar, Nelson G., Greenbaum S., 2016.

    An Introduction to English Grammar provides a comprehensive overview of all aspects of English grammar. The first part of the book (‘The Grammar’) provides a step-by-step introduction to the key topics in English grammar. The second part (‘The Applications’) shows how a grasp of these topics can be helpful in resolving usage problems, in developing a clear writing style and mastering punctuation and spelling. A whole chapter, ‘English in Use’, is devoted to illustrating the grammatical features of a wide range of modern text types, including emails, Facebook pages and ‘tweets’. It also looks at the special grammatical features of English in everyday conversation.

An Introduction to English Grammar, Nelson G., Greenbaum S., 2016
Скачать и читать An Introduction to English Grammar, Nelson G., Greenbaum S., 2016
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