Roadmap, A2+, Workbook, Kelly K., Turner M., 2019.
Roadmap is a new eight-level general English course for adults which recognises that every class is di erent and every learner is unique. Built on Global Scale of English learning objectives, the course is designed to give learners the speci c language training they need to progress. Engaging, relevant content and extensive support materials make lessons enjoyable for both learners and teachers.

How successful people spend their free time.
When you finish a busy day at work, what do you do? Do you go home and play computer games or watch films? This is not what successful people do! Read about five different ways successful people spend their free time. These small things could change your life!
Books help us understand the world. This is why successful people read a lot of them! When successful people read, they learn about new cultures and environments. This helps them get new ideas and learn to think in a different way. Reading also helps us improve our vocabulary, so we can communicate better with people around us.
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Теги: рабочая тетрадь по английскому языку :: английский язык :: Kelly :: Turner
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- Fly High Level 3, Activity Book, Perrett J., Covill С., Thompson T., 2011
- Fly High Level 4, Activity Book, Perrett J., Covill С., 2011
- Eyes Open Level 1, Workbook, Anderson V., Higgins E., 2015
- Roadmap, A2, Workbook, Williams D., 2020
- Roadmap, B1, Workbook, Browne K., Fitzgerald C., 2019
- Roadmap, B1+, Workbook, Osborn A., Adlard R., 2019
- Roadmap, B2, Workbook, Warwick L., 2020
- Roadmap, B2+, Workbook, 2020