Обучалка в Телеграм

Cambridge English, Complete Advanced, Workbook with Answers, Matthews L., Thomas B., 2014

Cambridge English, Complete Advanced, Workbook with Answers, Matthews L., Thomas B., 2014.

Фрагмент из книги.
In my opinion, travelling is very exciting, and all people, including me, likes to travel, because it is allowing you to meet new countries and cultures. But that which you have to decide is if you should travel alone, or with others. There are advantages and disadvantages to each.

Cambridge English, Complete Advanced, Workbook with Answers, Matthews L., Thomas B., 2014

Smart Thinking.
For anyone needing to learn more about the mind and how it works, I’d recommend Smart Thinking. This book explains how we can ingest valuable information and then become more adept at retaining and recalling it, becoming better thinkers as a result. That’s an appealing idea. Markman is clearly an expert in his eld, but he doesn’t ash data in a way that leaves the reader befuddled and confused. He writes in such a way that seemingly complex concepts are perceptively unravelled, and the workings of the human mind are laid bare. Although not every chapter is a winner, the whole book is lled with practical ideas anyone can use which are based on the principles of sound scienti c research. It is an excellent read, and well worth perusing in detail for its insights.

1 Our people.
2 Mastering languages.
3 All in the mind.
4 Just the job!
5 Dramatic events.
6 Picture yourself.
7 Leisure and entertainment.
8 Media matters.
9 At top speed.
10 A lifelong process.
11 Being somewhere else.
12 The living world.
13 Health and lifestyle.
14 Moving abroad.
Answer key.

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