Сборник упражнений по грамматике английского языка, Крылова И.П., 2007.
Use the Present Indefinite or the Present Continuous:
1. He has suffered a great deal of pain. You (not to think) he (to behave) very well, though?
2. “I (to Live) up there,” she said, indicating the gates.
3. I never (to change) my shoes even when I (to get) my feet wet.
4. “By the way,” I asked Arthur, “what Bill (to do) now?”
5. The guard stared at him. “You (to have) a pass?”
6. “Mr Brown (to play) cards?” he asked.
7. “Luis (to keep) something secret.” “He (not to tell) you everything?”
8. They will have to stay with us when they (to arrive) here.
9. “And what has become of Mr Jones?” the man asked. “He (to do) well.”

Explain the use of Present Perfect Г in the following sentences:
1. Oliver came shyly up to him. “Sir, I've written a poem.” “Good,” said the headmaster. “May I see it?”
2. “Come on, ladies,” he shouted, “there’s nothing to be afraid of. The mice have left the room.”
3. Не thinks it’s pure nerves and he’s given me pills.
4. “Your hands are probably soiled. Go and wash them.” “I have washed them.”
5. Sam, what’s come over you? You make me sad talking like this.
6. “Do you know the man?” “Vve met him.”
7. “Where is Gladys?” “I’ue just had a message. Her aunt’s had a stroke and she’s had to go down to Somerset.”
8. “Well, it’s very nice to see you anyway. Vve been lonely.”
9. “I don’t know if any of you are interested,” he said, “but the town has fallen.”
10.“Have you brought sandwiches?” “No.” “I don’t know where I’ll get lunch.”
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Теги: тесты по английскому языку :: английский язык :: Крылова
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