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Tests in English, word-formation, Misztal M.

20.12.22 21:01
Tests in English, word-formation, Misztal M.

4. Use reference books.

Use your reference books often. Don't just use them when you meet a completely new word. Even when you already know the tested prefix/suffix, check in a reference book how and when it can be used - the notes given in the book are not enough. Don't just learn new prefixes/suffixes or compounds; you also need to know how to use them.

Tests in English, word-formation, Misztal M.

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Основные идиомы Американского Английского, essential American Idioms for Russian Speakers, Spears R.A., Georgeoliani D., 1997

20.12.22 20:54
Основные идиомы Американского Английского, essential American Idioms for Russian Speakers, Spears R.A., Georgeoliani D., 1997.


В каждом языке существуют выражения, смысл которых не является буквальным. Даже, если знать значение всех слов, составляющих данное выражение и полностью понимать его грамматический строй, общий смысл выражения всё-же может быть неясным. В английском языке существуют тысячи таких идиоматических выражений. В данном словаре собраны идиомы, наиболее часто встречающиеся в обиходном американском английском. Размер словаря небольшой, что позволяет успешно использовать его в качестве руководства. В то же самое время, он имеет достаточно полный объём и может применяться в качестве справочного пособия. Источники выражений, представленных в словаре, различны. Многих из них взяты из газет и журналов. Другие же—из существующих словарей и справочников. Студенты университета Northwestern, изучающие английский язык как второй или иностранный, внесли свой вклад в составление словаря. Их участие определило выбор того или иного идиоматического выражения, данного в этой книге.

Основные идиомы Американского Английского, essential American Idioms for Russian Speakers, Spears R.A., Georgeoliani D., 1997

Скачать и читать Основные идиомы Американского Английского, essential American Idioms for Russian Speakers, Spears R.A., Georgeoliani D., 1997

English grammar, Greenbaum S., 1996

20.12.22 20:49
English grammar, Greenbaum S., 1996.


This book is addressed primarily to native speakers of English and others who use English as their first language. It is a comprehensive account of present-day English that is chiefly focused on the standard varieties of American and British English, but it also refers frequently to non-standard varieties and it draws on the history of the language to illuminate and explain features of English of today. It offers a description of the language and is not intended to prescribe or proscribe. This work is unique in its coverage for native speakers of the language. It is written to be accessible to non-specialists, but students of the English language and related subjects will also find it of interest and value. It serves as a reference work and can also be used as a textbook. Each chapter is prefaced by a Ust of contents and a summary of the chapter. You may wish to read through a whole chapter or to consult particular sections. The Glossary at the end of the book will provide you with succinct explanations of terms that are frequently used in the book.

English grammar, Greenbaum S., 1996

Скачать и читать English grammar, Greenbaum S., 1996

Basic English gramma, Azar B.S., 1995

20.12.22 20:43
Basic English gramma, Azar B.S., 1995.


Writing English grammar texts is a pleasure for me. In this pursuit, I am helped by many wonderful people: dedicated teachers who give presentations at conferences and write articles for regional newsletters or international journals; researchers who explore the hows and whys of second language acquisition; grammarians who present their observations clearly and convincingly; past and present authors of other ESL/EFL grammar materials who show creative and sound approaches to helping students gain understanding and usage ability of English; colleagues who give me valuable feedback and share their pedagogical insights; and publishing professionals who know how to mold and market educational materials. We all rely on one another. Above all, I am indebted to my students, who have taught me a great deal about the language acquisition process by openly sharing with me their learning experiences and practical needs.

Basic English gramma, Azar B.S., 1995

Скачать и читать Basic English gramma, Azar B.S., 1995

Phrasal verbs and idioms, advanced, Workman G.

20.12.22 20:34
Phrasal verbs and idioms, advanced, Workman G.


Students of English realize very early on in their learning career that prepositions present a problem. They collocate with nouns, adjectives, past participles, and verbs, without rules or logic. Students simply have to learn that interested is followed by in, and good is followed by at, and go home has no preposition. Multi-word verbs, or phrasal verbs as they are often referred to, present a very special problem. English can make verb and particle (preposition or adverb) combinations easily and freely. The word particle has been used throughout this book, in order to avoid having to make the adverb/preposition distinction (to most students, the word after the verb in a multi-word verb is always a preposition). Multiword verbs exist throughout the language. They express everyday actions such as Turn on the light; they can also have a variety of meanings such as Things worked out well, We worked out the problem, She worked out in the gym, I've never been able to work him out, and The final price works out at £10.

Phrasal verbs and idioms, advanced, Workman G.

Скачать и читать Phrasal verbs and idioms, advanced, Workman G.

Longman advanced grammar, reference and practice, Alexander L.G., 1993

20.12.22 20:29
Longman advanced grammar, reference and practice, Alexander L.G., 1993.

Who is this book for?

This book is for advanced students of English as a foreign or second language, working on their own or with a teacher. It begins at about the level of the Cambridge First Certificate, builds up to the level of the Cambridge Advanced English Examination and culminates at the level of the Cambridge Certificate of Proficiency. The material can be used for short-term or long-term courses and is suitable for students of the appropriate standard, whether they are preparing for examinations or not. In any event, its use is not intended to span more than a two-year period.

Longman advanced grammar, reference and practice, Alexander L.G., 1993

Скачать и читать Longman advanced grammar, reference and practice, Alexander L.G., 1993

Word by word picture dictionary, Molinsky S.J., Bliss B., 1994

20.12.22 20:22
Word by word picture dictionary, Molinsky S.J., Bliss B., 1994.


A. Who is she?
B. She's my aunt.
A. What's her name?
B. Her name is Linda.

A. Who is he?
B. He's my uncle.
A. What's his name?
B. His name is Jack.

Word by word picture dictionary, Molinsky S.J., Bliss B., 1994

Скачать и читать Word by word picture dictionary, Molinsky S.J., Bliss B., 1994

Англо-русский словарь наиболее употребительных сокращений, Волкова Н.О., Никанорова И.А., 1993

20.12.22 20:11
Англо-русский словарь наиболее употребительных сокращений, Волкова Н.О., Никанорова И.А., 1993.

Словарь включает около 10 тыс. наиболее употребительных сокращений современного английского языка, встречающихся в периодических изданиях и художественной литературе. Предназначается для переводчиков, журналистов, преподавателей английского языка, студентов, изучающих английский язык.

Англо-русский словарь наиболее употребительных сокращений, Волкова Н.О., Никанорова И.А., 1993

Скачать и читать Англо-русский словарь наиболее употребительных сокращений, Волкова Н.О., Никанорова И.А., 1993
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