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Eyes Open SB4, Video script

24.12.22 11:20
Eyes Open SB4, Video script.

Фрагмент из книги:
China is an enormous country, with many different regions … and many different cultures. Inner Mongolia, in the north of China, is an expansive region, with thousands of kilometres of grasslands and high mountains. These lands have inspired a number of traditions over the years like the Naadam Festival. There are all kinds of games at this festival; games of great skill and courage and horse races! The Mongols are famous for their abilities on horseback. The games they play today are the same games they played eight centuries ago.

Eyes Open SB4, Video script
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Eyes Open SB2, Video script

24.12.22 11:17
Eyes Open SB2, Video script.

Фрагмент из книги:
What can you do in a city like Dubai, in the United Arab Emirates? Most of the time, it’s very hot here - about 45 degrees Centigrade! So, what do people do? Well, some people go snowboarding in the desert! But some people prefer indoor activities. So they built an enormous place. This mall is enormous, with more than 1,200 shops, 120 restaurants, 22 cinemas and skiing!

Eyes Open SB2, Video script
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Eyes Open 2, Teacher’s Book, Holcombe G., 2015

24.12.22 11:10
Eyes Open 2, Teacher's Book, Holcombe G., 2015.

   Eyes Open is a four-level course for lower-secondary students, which will give you and your students all the tools you need for successful and enjoyable language teaching and learning. Teaching secondary students can be challenging, even for the most experienced of teachers. It is a period of great change in young teenagers' lives, and it sometimes seems that their interests lie anywhere but in the classroom. It is the teacher's demanding task to engage students in the learning process, and Eyes Open's mission is to help them as much as possible to achieve this. After extensive research and investigation involving teachers and students at secondary school level, we've come to a clear conclusion: sparking students' curiosity and desire to learn is one of the main driving forces which can enhance and facilitate the learning process. The aim of Eyes Open is to stimulate curiosity through interesting content via impactful video, visual images and 'real world' content on global themes.

Eyes Open 2, Teacher's Book, Holcombe G., 2015
Скачать и читать Eyes Open 2, Teacher’s Book, Holcombe G., 2015

Eyes Open 2, Workbook, Anderson V., Higgins E., 2015

24.12.22 11:00
Eyes Open 2, Workbook, Anderson V., Higgins E., 2015.

Фрагмент из книги:
I got a new computer for my birthday. I needed computer because I like using Internet and playing games. Computer is useful for homework and there are lots of useful programs in the computer too. I've put the computer in my bedroom. When my friend visits me, we can play games with the computer. That's great, because he hasn't got computer at home.

Eyes Open 2, Workbook, Anderson V., Higgins E., 2015
Скачать и читать Eyes Open 2, Workbook, Anderson V., Higgins E., 2015

Eyes Open 2, Student’s book, Goldstein B., Jones C., Heyderman E., 2015

24.12.22 10:50
Eyes Open 2, Student's book, Goldstein B., Jones C., Heyderman E., 2015.

Фрагмент из книги:
When we calculate a percentage of something, first we need to know the total number of things, or 'the whole'. The whole is 100%. For example, there are 12 cakes on a table. In this calculation, 12 is the whole and is 100%.

Eyes Open 2, Student's book, Goldstein B., Jones C., Heyderman E., 2015
Скачать и читать Eyes Open 2, Student’s book, Goldstein B., Jones C., Heyderman E., 2015

Eyes Open 1, Teacher’s Book, Holcombe G., 2015

24.12.22 10:38
Eyes Open 1, Teacher's Book, Holcombe G., 2015.

   Eyes Open is a four-level course for lower-secondary students, which will give you and your students all the tools you need for successfu and enjoyable language teaching and learning. Teaching secondary students can be challenging, even for the most experienced of teachers. It is a period of great change in young teenagers' lives and it sometimes seems that their interests lie anywhere but in the classroom. It is the teacher's demanding task to engage students in the learning process, and Eyes Open's mission is to help them as much as possible to achieve this. After extensive research and investigation involving teachers and students at secondary school level, we've come to a clear conclusion: sparking students' curiosity and desire to learn is one of the main driving forces which can enhance and facilitate the learning process. The aim of Eyes Open is to stimulate curiosity through interesting content via impactful video, visual images and 'real world' content on global themes.

Eyes Open 1, Teacher's Book, Holcombe G., 2015
Скачать и читать Eyes Open 1, Teacher’s Book, Holcombe G., 2015

Поурочные разработки по алгебре, 1 класс, Максимова Т.Н., 2011

24.12.22 10:27
Поурочные разработки по алгебре, 1 класс, Максимова Т.Н., 2011.

   Подробные поурочные планы ориентированы на учителей, работающих по программе развивающего обучения, созданной доктором физико-математических наук Людмилой Георгиевной Петерсон. Уроки построены, исходя из требований к технологии их проведения, последовательности изложения материала, предъявляемых концепцией деятельностного обучения.
Помимо базовых уроков представлены готовые конспекты в игровой форме, а также занимательный материал, который поможет заинтересовать учеников: загадки, кроссворды, ребусы.

Поурочные разработки по алгебре, 1 класс, Максимова Т.Н., 2011
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Поурочные разработки по алгебре, 7 класс, Рурукин А.Н., 2011

24.12.22 10:20
Поурочные разработки по алгебре, 7 класс, Рурукин А.Н., 2011.

   Издание представляет собой подробные поурочные разработки по алгебре для 7 класса к УМК А.Г. Мордковича и др. (М.: Мнемозина) и содержит все, что необходимо педагогу для качественной подготовки к урокам: подробные поурочные планы, методические советы и рекомендации, творческие задания, самостоятельные, контрольные и зачетные работы с подробным разбором. Предлагаемый материал достаточен для проведения полноценных уроков в классах и группах различного уровня.
Пособие будет полезно как начинающим педагогам, так и преподавателям со стажем.

Поурочные разработки по алгебре, 7 класс, Рурукин А.Н., 2011
Купить бумажную или электронную книгу и скачать и читать Поурочные разработки по алгебре, 7 класс, Рурукин А.Н., 2011
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