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A1 Movers, Word List Picture Book for exams from 2018

20.01.23 11:42
A1 Movers, Word List Picture Book for exams from 2018.

   Teachers and parents can use this colourful picture book to help children get better at English and learn new words.
Sit down and talk to children about the pictures. Can they find many of the different words in the fun, colourful pictures? Can you help them answer the questions in the ‘Let’s talk!’ sections?
The A1 Movers Word List Picture Book includes many of the words children might see in their A1 Movers test.

A1 Movers, Word List Picture Book for exams from 2018
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New Cutting Edge, Upper Intermediate, Workbook, With Key, Comyns Carr J., Eales F., 2005

20.01.23 11:33
New Cutting Edge, Upper Intermediate, Workbook, With Key, Comyns Carr J., Eales F., 2005.

Фрагмент из книги.
One of the most frightening experiences of my life happened while I was spending Christmas in Tenerife, in the Canary Islands. My brother Jose was working there and unfortunately he couldn't get any time off to come home, so I spent the holiday with him. On the last day of my visit, we decided to go up Mt. Teide, a volcano in the centre of the island, and officially the second largest mountain in Europe. We hired a little car for the day - I couldn't drive, but my brother could.

New Cutting Edge, Upper Intermediate, Workbook, With Key, Comyns Carr J., Eales F., 2005
Скачать и читать New Cutting Edge, Upper Intermediate, Workbook, With Key, Comyns Carr J., Eales F., 2005

Starters, 8 Complete Practice Tests, Betsis A., Mamas L., 2018

20.01.23 10:19
Starters, 8 Complete Practice Tests, Betsis A., Mamas L., 2018.

Фрагмент из книги.
The test format includes multiple-choice questions and short answers. Candidates will need coloured pencils to respond to one task. Each of the four parts begins with an example.

Starters, 8 Complete Practice Tests, Betsis A., Mamas L., 2018
Скачать и читать Starters, 8 Complete Practice Tests, Betsis A., Mamas L., 2018

Speakout 2nd Edition, Starter, Workbook, With key, Eaies F., Oakes S., Dimond-Bayir S., 2016

20.01.23 10:10
Speakout 2nd Edition, Starter, Workbook, With key, Eaies F., Oakes S., Dimond-Bayir S., 2016.

   Speakout 2nd Edition is a comprehensive six-level general English course for adults that has been developed in association with BBC Worldwide and BBC Learning English. The course integrates authentic video from popular BBC programmes into every unit and builds the skills and knowledge learners need to express themselves confidently in a real English-speaking environment.

Speakout 2nd Edition, Starter, Workbook, With key, Eaies F., Oakes S., Dimond-Bayir S., 2016
Купить бумажную или электронную книгу и скачать и читать Speakout 2nd Edition, Starter, Workbook, With key, Eaies F., Oakes S., Dimond-Bayir S., 2016

Учебное пособие для подготовки к ОГЭ по английскому языку, говорение, Пикеринг К., 2015

20.01.23 10:00
Учебное пособие для подготовки к ОГЭ по английскому языку, Говорение, Пикеринг К., 2015.

Фрагмент из книги.
After a term studying sciences, Julia decides she doesn't like it. She asks her best friend for advice.
Write a dialogue between Julia and her best friend. Use the Phrase bank to help you.

Учебное пособие для подготовки к ОГЭ по английскому языку, Говорение, Пикеринг К., 2015
Скачать и читать Учебное пособие для подготовки к ОГЭ по английскому языку, говорение, Пикеринг К., 2015

Republican Roman Army 200 104 BC, Sekunda N., McBride A., 1996

20.01.23 09:50
Republican Roman Army 200–104 BC, Sekunda N., McBride A., 1996.

   Researchers have directed most of their effort towards the Roman Army during the Imperial period. This is hardly surprising. The Roman Imperial Army is a unique phenomenon. It is difficult to think of am other state in any historical period which managed to maintain such a large, entirely professional army for such a long time. This fact alone dictates that the Imperial Army will continue to receive the attention it deserves.

Republican Roman Army 200–104 BC, Sekunda N., McBride A., 1996
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History of the World War, Volume Five, Simonds F.H., 1919

19.01.23 17:01
History of the World War, Volume Five, Simonds F.H., 1919.

Фрагмент из книги.
The last campaign of the World War was a fitting climax to a struggle which had endured already for more than three years and had surpassed all previous contests recorded in human history. In the final phase more than six millions of men, representing seven nations, fought for 235 days on a front of 250 miles from the North Sea to the Moselle, from the outer defences of Metz to the ruins of Nieuport. And the struggle was not limited to the west front. While Germany met her ancient foes in decisive contest on the battlefields of France, Italian armies first repulsed then crushed the Austrians on the Piave; Serbian, Greek, French, British, and Italian troops fought Bulgarians in Albania and Macedonia, and British troops overwhelmed the Turk on the Plain of Armageddon. Two continents furnished the battlefields, and five, reckoning Australia, supplied the combatants.

History of the World War, Volume Five, Simonds F.H., 1919
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History of the World War, Volume Four, Simonds F.H., 1919

19.01.23 16:50
History of the World War, Volume Four, Simonds F.H., 1919.

Фрагмент из книги.
Between January, 1917, and March, 1918, that is, between the failure of the first German peace offensive in the west and the promulgation of the treaties of Brest-Litovsk and Bukharest in the east, the old Triple Entente of France, Great Britain, and Russia — which had in 1915 been reinforced by Italy — suffered disastrous defeat. While British, French, and Italian armies were checked or routed in the field, Russia collapsed and quit the war and her allies, and, but for the entrance of the United States into the struggle in April, 1917, before Russia had yet vanished, Germany would have won a measurable if not a decisive victory. She would at the very least have been able to preserve Mittel-Europa and the mastery of the East.

History of the World War, Simonds F.H., 1919
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