Обучалка в Телеграм

Szűcs Péter

Left peripheral constructions in English and Hungarian, Szűcs Péter, 2020

Left peripheral constructions in English and Hungarian, Szűcs Péter, 2020.

   This monograph investigates discourse-related clause-initial, left peripheral constructions within the framework of Lexical-Functional Grammar (LFG). The following structures are to be scrutinized: English topicalization (TOP), clause-initial adjuncts (CIADJ) and left dislocation (LD-Eng); Hungarian left dislocation (LD-Hun) and operator fronting (OF). The overall goal is to provide an account for these structures, especially with regard to their syntactic and information structural properties and to put them into cross-linguistic and theoretical perspective.

Left peripheral constructions in English and Hungarian, Szűcs Péter, 2020
Скачать и читать Left peripheral constructions in English and Hungarian, Szűcs Péter, 2020