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Outcomes, Elementary Teachers Book, Sayer M., Dellkar H., Walkley A., 2016

Outcomes, Elementary Teachers Book, Sayer M., Dellkar H., Walkley A., 2016.

   Outcomes presents English as it is used in the world through contemporary, global content and stunning National Geographic photos and videos. Its trademark lexically-rich approach shows students how vocabulary works, and the evenly-paced grammar syllabus provides examples and tasks based on what people actually say and write. With a huge variety of talking points and practice, Outcomes teaches students the English they need to communicate outside the classroom.

Outcomes, Elementary Teachers Book, Sayer M., Dellkar H., Walkley A., 2016
Скачать и читать Outcomes, Elementary Teachers Book, Sayer M., Dellkar H., Walkley A., 2016

Outcomes, Beginner Teachers Book, Sayer M., 2019

Outcomes,  Beginner Teachers Book, Sayer M., 2019.

   Outcomes presents English as it is used in the world through contemporary, global content and stunning National Geographic photos and videos. Its trademark lexically-rich approach shows students how vocabulary works, and the evenly-paced grammar syllabus provides examples and tasks based on what people actually say and write. With a huge variety of talking points and practice, Outcomes teaches students the English they need to communicate outside the classroom.

Outcomes,  Beginner Teachers Book, Sayer M., 2019
Скачать и читать Outcomes, Beginner Teachers Book, Sayer M., 2019

New Headway, Intermediate, Teacher’s book, Soars J., Soars L., Sayer M., 2003

New Headway, Intermediate, Teacher's book, Soars J., Soars L., Sayer M., 2003.

  As, you begin New Headway Intermediate - the NEW edition, you may be starting a new course with a hew group of students. If so, make sure that everyone gets to know each other and you. learn each others names and find out a little bit about each other’s backgrounds and interests.

New Headway, Intermediate, Teacher's book, Soars J., Soars L., Sayer M., 2003
Скачать и читать New Headway, Intermediate, Teacher’s book, Soars J., Soars L., Sayer M., 2003

New Headway, Pre-Intermediate, Teacher’s Book, Soars J., Soars L., Sayer M., 2007

New Headway, Pre-Intermediate, Teacher's Book, Third edition, Soars J., Soars L., Sayer M., 2007.

   You are probably beginning a new class with a group of students you don't know. Students might know each other, or they might not. Your main aim over the first few lessons together is to establish a good classroom atmosphere, where everyone feels comfortable.
Hopefully you will all not only work hard, but have fun at the same time.

New Headway, Pre-Intermediate, Teacher's Book, Third edition, Soars J., Soars L., Sayer M., 2007
Скачать и читать New Headway, Pre-Intermediate, Teacher’s Book, Soars J., Soars L., Sayer M., 2007

New Headway, Intermediate, Teacher’s Book, Liz and John Soars, Mike Sayer, 2003

Название: New Headway. Intermediate. Teacher's Book.

Автор: Liz and John Soars, Mike Sayer.

   Книга предназначена для развития навыков разговорной речи, как в стандартных, так и в нестандартных ситуациях, требующих импровизации;
Развитие навыков ведения дискуссии и обмена информацией, в том числе при количестве собеседников более двух;
Освоение навыков вести повествование, рассказывать истории и сочинять рассказы в заданном жанре;
Развитие письменного английского языка путем выполнения разнообразных заданий: исправление ошибок в формальном и неформальном стиле, описание человека, помещения, история, отчет, составление послания по факсу или электронной почте, составление рекламного объявления;
При прослушивании разнообразных источников как формального, так и разговорного английского языка уметь слышать ключевые слова и фразы, улавливать как общий смысл, так и подробности услышанного;
Развитие навыков чтения больших блоков информации, содержащей много новой лексики;

New Headway. Intermediate. Teacher's Book. Liz and John Soars, Mike Sayer. 2003

Скачать и читать New Headway, Intermediate, Teacher’s Book, Liz and John Soars, Mike Sayer, 2003
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