New Fly High 5” English, Методическое пособие для учителей английского языка 5 класса, Хан С., Джураев Л., Камалова Л., 2017.
The new edition of “Fly High 5” is prepared by Lutfulla Jurayev, Svetlana Khan and Ludmila Kamalova. It is based on “Fly High 5” 2000 which was the result of a collaboration between the Ministry of Public Education of Uzbekistan, The British Council and “0‘qituvchi” Publishing House, authored by Lutfulla Jurayev, Svetlana Khan, Rozaliya Ziryanova, Urinboy Hoshimov, Hurmat Ganiyeva, Ludmila Kamalova, Shoira Ernazarova and Tuti Tursunova. The team are particularly grateful to the teachers and students of the schools who participated in the piloting of this book and whose valuable advice and comments have helped greatly in its development: Special thanks should also go to the following people for their support throughout the project: Ms. Kh. Isakjanova, Republican Education Centre, Ministry of Public Education; Prof. M. Iriskulov, the Republican Scientific-Practical Center of Innovations under the Uzbekistan World Languages University.